Reaveal Yourself

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I wake up to two loud voices screaming, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!". I open my eyes and both of the boys that adopted me are there smiling. Harry holding a cake and Louis with balloons. Today I'm going to talk to them. I feel like its time.

I give the two boys a mad look and there smiles fade. I don't like being woken up in the morning.

"What? Is it not your birthday?" Louis asks.

"Oh course it's her birthday you doof, it was on the birth certificate." Harry slaps him, the cake almost falling out of his hands. It would have been hilarious if it did though.

"That's besides the point, what's wrong?" Louis asks again.

I grab my white board off my bedside table and write:

I don't like to be woken up early

The boys read it and giggle. "Its ten o'clock silly, we've been waiting for hours for you to wake up. But you didn't so, we decided to scream in your face," Louis laughs.

I roll my eyes and grab my cake licking my lips. I place it on my desk and hug the boys.

"Thank you," I mumble into there sides.

"SHE TALKED!" Louis screamed. Gosh why is he so loud.

"Shut up!" I yell back.

"Meow, kitty fight," Harry hisses. Can I please hit them both. I thought this was going well.

"I'm going to stop talking if you guys keep making fun of me," I cross my arms.

"Aww Rosie," Harry picks me up and places me on his hip. "Thank you for talking though. It means a lot to us."

"Yeah, um..I just felt like I needed to talk to you guys because I guess I warmed up to you." A blush creeps onto my face.

"Aww, look her cheeks are rose red. Get it?" Harry laughs at his own joke. Louis and I just look at him. "What? It was funny!"

We both shake our heads.

"Anyway, cake?" I ask.


After the boys smushed my face into my cake, I chased them around the living room. I tackled Harry. It was fun.

So we are currently heading to a secret place. I want to know where it is so bad.

"Okay were almost here so blindfold yourself," Harry says. Louis turns from the passenger seat and hands me a blindfold.

"You guys aren't gonna rape me right?" I say, completely serious. But they laugh, really hard.

"Were gay rose." Harry chuckles.

"Yep, I am in fact gay." Louis says. They seem so proud to announce that.

"Okay if you say so." I take the blindfold and tie it behind my head.

The car comes to a hault. Two doors open then close. All of a sudden I'm being carried bridal style.

"Okay, were here!" Harry says. One of the boys let's me down (which I suppose was Louis) and takes the blind fold off. And the sight in front of me, well its absolutely breath taking.

Adopted By Larry StylinsonTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang