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"Rose, wake up. Its seven thirty." Someone says. I flutter my eyes open and stands in front of me.

"Alright." I groan, tossing the covers off my body. The cold air hits my skin and I shiver.

I slide some sweats and a tank onto my body (since I was just in a oversized shirt and panties). My bags were all packed and ready to go. As I carried them down the steps, my sleepy state got the best of me and I fell.

"Ow!" I cry holding my elbow. My bum and thigh hurt as well.

"Rose!" Harry yells. I wince as he picks me up, holding me close to his chest. Thankfully I didn't break anything.

"Baby are you okay?" Louis says, moving a strand on hair out of my face. I nod.

"Y-yeah. Just a tumble. Nothing major," I sigh. The boys nod. Harry sets me down. I limp at first but soon I stop.

"Grab something small to eat on the way. We have thirty minutes." Louis says. During those thirty minutes we were all rushing around the house getting all our things. I finished up my granola bar and threw it away.

"Alright, let's go." Harry says. We walk out the door with our luggage. A man and a limo wait out front. Damn.

Louis entered first, then Harry. Then me. It was a small limo, nothing long and grand. We speed down the street.

"Okay, Liam said all of them are all ready to get to the airport." Harry reads from his phone. I nod.

"Can I sleep on the plane?" I yawn. The boys nod. Harry leans in to kiss Lou's cheek.

"Rose, your going to love Sydney." Louis says, paying Harry's knee. Harry smiles.

"Yea, I have always wanted to visit any place of Australia. Or anywhere really," I state. The boys nod. I flip out my phone and unlock it. I haven't been on my social media apps in forever. I went on to Twitter, Instagram, etc.

I looked up and dad and daddy were basically eating each others faces. I cringe at sudden thoughts running through my mind. Louis is about to unbuckle his pants but I cough.

"Oh, we forgot you were here..." Harry chuckles. Louis scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's okay. Not like I haven't seen you guys do it before," Louis' mouth drops open and Harry turns bright red. "I'm kidding!" I start to laugh. The limo comes to a stop and the door opens. Liam, Niall, and Zayn all enter.

"Hey love," Zayn says. I wave and look over at Niall whos scowling at Zayn.

"She's mine," he growls. Niall opens up his arms and I move over and sit in his lap. Hr kisses my cheek and I nuzzle into his chest. "Love you Rosey."

"Love you to Nialler," I hum.

When we arrived at the airport, a bunch of paps and fans were surprisingly not here. There was some that wanted pictures and autographs, but not like:


The paps where either out in the blue or hidden.

I even took some pictures and talked to some of the girls and few boys. They were hot by the way.

"Nice seeing you girls, we got to catch our flight," Harry says hugging the last girl.

"Goodbye boys! Nice seeing you!" A brunette says. We all walk over to some open seat and sit down. I was in between a couple and Louis.

"Rose?" The lady asks. I frown and turn my head. My eyes widen. The lady in front of me has a big smile on her face.




Told you guys it was a cliff hanger. I had so much fun writing this book.

Anyway today I went to my grandpops funeral and I cried so much my eyes burn. I got to see my cousins that I haven't seen I'm FIVE years. The bad part is o have to drive 9hrs to get back home :(

I really hope all of you enjoyed this book.

And I just, wow. Ending this book at 8k+ reads? This is a lot for me. It may not be 1mil but, its a lot.  I love you all so so so SO much.

Guess you guys didn't need to wait after all :)

xxxxxxx brunettewbu

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