Chapter 15

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"Well it seems all your vitals, scans, and everything else are fine, though you should take things easy for the next few days, Ms. Reed. Most of you injuries are minor and should heal up in a few days, 2 weeks max. It's going to take 6 more weeks for wrist to heal up and get you out of that cast" the doctor explained.

She was about to correct the doctor when Adonis interrupted and spoke for her. "Thank you, doctor. So she can leave today?" he asked. Adelaide was confused as to why he was speaking in an American accent all of a sudden. The doctor nodded handing him a clipboard before leaving.

"I'm confused. Wha-" he sighed interrupting her.

"So you are part of the Leroux crime family and I am the don of the Greek mafia. The thing your crime family is not part of the whole mafia bureau bullshit, but my crime family is. Let's just say things didn't happen well between me and the leader of the little group. Being that your my wife, you had to come along with me to leave. So I took us to Texas and changed our names. I'm Elijah Reed and you're Imani Reed, your maiden name is Howard." She squinted at him. The man was giving her weird vibes, but she didn't really have much of a choice but to trust him for now.

"You just looked up black American names on the internet and randomly chose one for me didn't you?"

Adonis was surprised by how intuitive she was. "Yes" he admitted with no shame.

She rolled her eyes in her response. "So what you're telling me is that you fucked up and did some dumb shit to provoke Morain, but you couldn't own up to the shit storm you started so you decided to run away. I had to come with you because I'm your 'wife' so now we're basically exiled from Europe."

His lip twitched in annoyance. A little too intuitive he thought. "Let's get you in the shower..." He didn't want to lie to her. Him finding her in that car wreck made him realize that he did care for her. Not in a whole "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate..." kind of way. He cared for her only a little, but enough for him to take her with him to Texas. He wanted for them to end up having strong true love in the long run. He hated to admit it, but he was lonely. Extremely lonely. He wanted someone who he could talk about anything with. Someone he could talk with about the inner most truths of his soul or about the decadent foods he loved. He never had anyone to talk about these things with. His mother left, his father was a strict man who only talked business, his "friends" only wanted to talk about guy things ; money, pussy, or ass; and his whores only wanted pussy or ass. He really didn't have anyone to be genuine with... ever.

He helped her to her feet and walked her to the bathroom. Adelaide looked at him awkwardly before before gently closing the door in his face. She went to wrap her IV before getting in the shower. She had so many questions. How did she into a car accident? What did he do? How old is he? When did they get married? Was she wanted as well? When she finished up she walked out to find two nurses. One nurse took away the clipboard that the doctor gave Adonis earlier, the other nurse went to make sure everything was okay then took out her IV before applying a gauze to it and taping it on. The nurse told her everything she needed to take care of her wounds, Adelaide made sure to respond to her in an American accent. Adonis wheeled her out of of the hospital in a wheelchair and lifter her into the passenger seat of his black sedan. When they hit the freeway she decided to ask him a question.

"How old are you?"

"Thirty two" he said. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head. Her parents had her marry a whole thirty year old man?!

"But I'm only twenty one!"

"Twenty two, your birthday passed. It's September, remember?"

"Still, that barely makes it any better. I don't like that... at all. Why did you take me? Do Have a target on my back or did we actually... develop feelings for each other..." she tried so hard to hold back the cringe. The thought of her developing feelings for a thirty year old man at her age made her want to gag. Thank god her parents didn't make her marry at 18 and at least waited for her twenties. She didn't still feel like a kid like when she was 18 or 19, but it was still close. He blinked a few times registering the question in his mind before answering her.

"Feelings" he said. It wasn't a complete lie. They did agree they would try a relationship before the whole incident happened, and he himself did catch *small* feelings; he just didn't exactly know how she was feeling before.

"Oh..." the air around them became thick. They drove on the freeway for a few more minutes until she saw a rest stop. "Hey, can you take this exit right here so I can find something to eat?"

He took the exit . When the hit the stoplight She immediately saw an A&W.

"Ooo! Can we go to A&W please? I love A&W"she pleaded. Adonis quirked a brow at her, but he still went to the drive thru. While waiting in line he thought of a question he had to ask her.

"How are you so good at speaking in an American accent?"

"I every year I would spend the summer with my cousins that live in California. I also went to get my degree in California. The California American is pretty natural to me now, almost as natural as my other accent."

"Your french accent."

"Kinda, my mother is from Martinique and I tend to take after her more. My accent is a blend of french and Caribbean. You never noticed my accent was off?"

"You're the only person I know from France , I just thought everyone spoke like that." She laughed at that.


I'm taking a break for the next few weeks, I'll be back in January. Remember to like the chapters.

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