Chapter 13

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Adelaide was huddled under the covers of her bed frantically texting her group chat with Jackson and Dimitri.

A: Guys.



Morain found out about Adonis's plan.

D: Are you in the house?

J: Wait what?

A: Adonis planning to kill Ares and yes I'm still in the house idk what to do

D: You need to get out asap

Adelaide swiftly moved to get out of the bed and grab a duffel bag. She went to grab everything she cared about and shove it in the bag. She made her way down the marble stairs almost slipping. She got a notification from Dimitri saying that he was on his way over and she should go hide in the wine cellar, but she was too impatient and scared. She went to search the kitchen drawers for keys. That's when she heard someone enter the the mansion. Peering out of the door way she saw a big burly man the she recognized as part of Adonis's squad. She started to panic even more. She sneaked out of the side entrance into the garage. She found a black Escalade and quickly jumped in. She sped off as fast as she could. She didn't know where she was going. She made the mistake of going too fast. She looked away for just a second and ended up colliding with a large tree so hard the entire front part of the truck became compressed.


Dimitri was running out of the building when he saw his brother suspiciously already parked in the car in front of the building.

"Get in"

Dimitri ran to the the passenger side and got in as fast as he could. Jackson punch the gas.

"Wait what exactly is going on?" Jackson asked. Dimitri huffed

"One night Adelaide was being nosy and decided to snoop through Adonis's office. She found some telling documents and papers that heavily insinuated Adonis and two other dons were planning to kill Ares and Morain so they could take over the empire. I guess some how Morain found out, he's probably out hunting right now" he sputtered. Surprisingly Jackson didn't seemed bothered or shocked in the slightest. He kept a steady stoic face while driving. The only reason why he wouldn't be shocked would be because he already knew Dimitri thought.

"You knew and you didn't tell either of us?" he questioned angrily. Jackson sighed and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

"I didn't want to bother either of you, especially Laidey, anymore than needed. I thought I could handle everything on my own, but clearly not. How the hell did Morain find out anyways?"

"I don't know. What were you planning that would have got us out of this situation?"

"It's nothing, its too late anyways."

"Nuh uh, tell me."

Jackson sighed yet again. " Well since Adonis's dumbass forgot to get the marriage documents for them to sign, they aren't technically married yet as you know. I was planning to get Adelaide to leave Adonis for Ares."

Dimitri looked at his brother with a scrunched up face.

"Don't look at me like that."

"You really thought playing match maker would avert this entire thing? Idiot."

"I mean Ares is more respectful and compromising and they did hit it off when they met. Ares is an overall better person to get along with, even if they didn't have feeling for each other, they would be able to at least be friends and have some sort of agreement that works instead of her being manipulated and most likely mentally abused by Adonis. Ares would like the company anyways, he's a loner because people in the mafia don't like that he isn't as tough or aggressive as the others. As for the agreement, her father would actually be pleased because the Russian mafia is far more massive and powerful than the Greek mafia making the whole merger thing more beneficial. It'd really be a win for everyone."

Dimitri stared at his brother shocked. "Bro... you really planned all of that? You could've just told Ares and Morain before the wedding."

Jackson shook his head brushing him off. Dimitri chuckled at his realization of something. "You didn't want to kill him did you? You wanted to take mercy on him. Damn, Adelaide is rubbing of on you."

"Shut up"


Ares sat at the window seat in his bedroom contemplating everything he had learned in the past couple of hours. He was so defeated after learning that his own brother, his own flesh and blood planned to assassinate him just to secure his role as head of the empire. He never knew his brother held that much resentment towards him. It hurt his soul knowing that Adonis would do such a thing. Why couldn't he just work for it, why couldn't he talk to me? What hurt him even more was the possibility of Adelaide being in on it. He wasn't close with her, but he did feel some sort of connection with her in the elevator. His first time speaking to her, he felt like he had known her for many years. He didn't know what it was, but something stood out about her to him. Something that made him want to get to know every little thing and part about her. Maybe it was just his intuition telling him to watch out for her.

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