Chapter 8

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Adelaide's heart beat started to quicken. She quickly stuffed herself into the cupboard to the right of his desk. The muffled shuffling got louder until eventually the door opened. They only took a a couple steps. Then BZZT. It was her phone. Adelaide scrunched up her face in irritation and fear of getting caught. She heard him shuffle his feet.

"Damn, that must be a fat ass fly" he said then walked out and closed the door behind him. Adelaide let out the breath she was holding so long she her ears started to ring and her vision started to blur. She started to hyperventilate a bit trying to catch her breath. She stumbled out of the cupboard and sneaked her way back to the bedroom only to find Adonis splayed out on the bed in the same position she left him in with only more drool. She then became confused wondering who was in his office. She turned back around to find Dimitri sipping on a cup from McDonald. He immediately made a sour face and smacked his mouth a few times.

"WOOO! That McDonald's sprite just be," he paused to smack his mouth a few more times and made an explosion animation with his free hand, "POPPIN!"

Adelaide pressed her hand to her head in relief.

"Dimitri you scared the shit out of me. The hell are you doing?"

"Well I was walking around the house looking for you because I got you some McDonalds. It's in the kitchen. Where were you?"

"So it was you who walked into his office?"

"Yeaaah? What were you doing in there?"

She nervously shrugged it off while walking towards the kitchen.

"Being my nosy self" she mumbled. Dimitri chuckled and followed behind her.


Dimitri leaned back on the bar stool tossing the burger wrapper across the kitchen island, into the bin.

"Did you find anything in his office?" he questioned. Adelaide swiveled her stool towards him and shift her lips to the side.

"Well... Maybe I did find something about him wanting kill uncle Morain and some guy named Ares to take over the European mafia, but ya know. Nothing else worth mentioning." Dimitri's jaw dropped. It came as such a shock to him, his head started to spin. He needed a moment to collect his thoughts.

"Adelaide. Do you know how serious this is?"

"Yes" she said in a high pitched voice with a terrified face. If Adonis was caught she didn't know what they'd do, but she knew it would be the worst of the worst. She also know that as his wife she would most likely dragged into it as well. She would also be tortured for years. She just hoped that if it did come to it her uncle Morain would take mercy on her even thought he wasn't her real uncle. He was one of her fathers best friends. She hoped he would be understanding.

"I'm going to try my best to get him to let me in so he'll listen to me and drop this stupid plan of his." She gulped trying to hold back tears. Before he could open her mouth, she spoke again.

"Why did I have to be forced to marry such a fucking idiot. God..." she sobbed, "He's going to get me killed. What did I do to deserve this."

Dimitri got out of his stool and hugged her.

"I promise you'll be okay. Jackson and I are gonna help you."

"Jesus, I forgot that Jackson is probably fucked as well. They aren't gonna let his right man hand go. They'll think he's in on it too."

"Laidey, I promise everything it going to be fine" he said right before squeezing her harder.

His words weren't getting through to her. Adelaide had already trapped her self in tidal wave of worry, regret, and disconcert. He attempts were pointless. He could say the sweetest, most comforting or encouraging words and they would just float away. It was like trying to get a baby to hold on to balloon strings.


A couple of days later, they were still in Russia. Adelaide had calmed down a little and had a small scheme in place to work towards dismantling Adonis's plan. Little did she know that Jackson was simultaneously encouraging Adonis and his idiotic plan. Not because of all the "power" that was promised to him. It was because he wanted to "get his dumb arse killed". He loved Adelaide dearly and didn't want her to be stuck with a disappointment. His plans started to get complicated when Adonis first met Adelaide. When he met her, he put his plans to take over the mafia aside to marry her. It only made things harder for Jackson, he didn't want Adelaide to get hurt. He found a way to go through with bringing down Adonis, things just had to be adjusted. The first part of his adjusted plan had been set in motion.

As of now he had Dimitri drive Adelaide to the office because Adonis needed to see her for an emergency, or so he said. He hoped his timing was right because Adonis's argument with Ares was soon coming to an end and Adelaide still wasn't there yet. Jackson started to get jittery. Right when Ares walked out of his brother's office Adelaide took a step out the elevator. Jackson immediately pulled her to the side.

"WOO!" Adelaide exclaimed in shock almost falling over. "Oh Jackson! I haven't seen you in a while."

"Yeah, sorry about that I've been busy with your husband's trivial tasks. Also he wanted me to tell you he doesn't need you here anymore." She groaned in annoyance.

"Aht! Don't even. He's technically not my husband yet. The idiot forgot to get the papers on our wedding day." Jackson's ears perked up at that.

"Really?" he asked. If they truly weren't married then that what make things way easier.

Just as Adelaide was about to speak, Jackson "accidentally" bumped into her. Which caused her to fall onto Ares who was walking into the elevator behind her. Luckily Ares was able to catch her just in time. Jackson immediately left to go watch from a spot where he couldn't be seen.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry" she said while fixing her clothing. That's when Ares got a good look at her and froze.


Double upload for October because I'm forcing myself to be productive (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')
I'm also sorry about typos and grammatical errors. I don't really edit chapters and honestly I don't think I ever will. I also really want to add some smut, but I'm not sure if this is the book for it. I could also just write a one shots book as well. Not sure yet.

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