Chapter 6

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Adonis tossed her into the backseat and slammed the door shut. He walked around to the other side to get into the backseat with her. Once situated he tapped on the passenger seat headrest. The driver hit a button and an opaque divide rolled up between the driver and the passengers in the backseat. The driver sped off before Adelaide could get herself situated with her large dress. She tumbled around in the back seat for a few minutes until she found her self a comfortable position. She turned he head to the right to find Adonis staring at her. She could've sworn she saw a subtle smirk won on his face, but it quickly vanished. Adelaide turned her head towards the window and pouted. She felt so alone.

"What happened to the submissive girl I met a few weeks ago at the that meeting" Adonis questioned. Adelaide turned around to scowl at him then quickly turned back around.

"Look at me" he said with more hostility.

Adelaide turned to stare at him with a blank expression on her face.

"Listen, I know it's going to be a tough adjustment but you have to respect me."

"I didn't even do anything to disrespect you. You just started being an ass for no reason!"

"Adelaide... You showed up to to the altar late making everyone, including me, think that you tried to run away. It was embarrassing and disrespectful. I at least expected an apology. Instead, without a word, you ran away from your own reception and set up camp in your dressing room. You left me out there alone to deal with the embarrassment in front of all of our rivals and competitors, did you expect me to be happy?"

Adelaide huffed and whispered "Sorry... I didn't realize."

Adelaide took a mental note of the fact that Adonis worries about appearances. He might even be a bit insecure. She might be able to use this against him if she needs to in the future.

Adonis studied her reaction. It seemed that Adelaide is more sensitive than the other women he had known. He realized he needed to be more gentle with her, but he was still livid with her.

"Adelaide, just communicate. It'll make things easier"

She gave a small nod and the rest of the car ride was silent. Adelaide put in her ear buds and Adonis dealt with his business tasks on his phone. After 45 minutes of driving, they arrived at the airport. The driver took the back entrance and parked near the private jet that was preparing for a flight. Adonis helped Adelaide up the steps. She barely walk and she refused to take her heels off because she thought walking barefoot on the ground was iniquitous. After getting seated and buckled up they began to speak.

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"We're stopping in Russia for a few days, I have some business to care of. We'll go to our honeymoon destination right after. It's Bali."


"Mhm" he grunted irritated.

"Will I have time to go shopping? I can't really stay in this wedding dress forever and I didn't pack clothes because I didn't think you were actually planning a honeymoon..."

Adonis stared at her for a moment and was a bit hurt she didn't think he'd care enough to have a honeymoon.

"Spend at you please" he replied as he dug into his pocket to give her his black card.

Adelaide did feel slightly better. She could tell he was making an effort, but it was way too soon. She cringed on the inside. She was afraid to say thank you so she reached out and patted her dainty hand on his large, surprisingly soft ones. One the plane leveled out and it was safe to stand Adelaide immediately stood up and walked to the bedroom in the back. She couldn't stand the awkwardness that soiled the air like smoke. She decided to nap there for as long as she could. She didn't want to bother with Adonis at the moment.


When the plane landed, there was already a car waiting for them. This time is was a seemingly expensive sports car with no driver. Adonis would be driving them. He helped her stuff her dress into the passenger seat and sped away to Moscow. He pulled up to another extravagant mansion. It wasn't quite as big as the one in France, but it was still large. He helped her out into the mansion. Once inside he handed her his black card and left her in the foyer blank. It took her a minute to realize what had happened. Once she did, she crawled up the stairs and found the bedroom. She attempted to use the bed post to help take off the corset, but it was no use. She kept fumbling around until there was a knock at the door. She froze in a panic not realizing anyone was in the house. To her surprise it was Dimitri.

"Dee?!" she squealed as she attempted to run up him. She ultimately ended up tumbling down. Dimitri laughed in her face while she scowled. He helped her up and undid her corset for her. He spoke to her while she changed.

"Laidey. Are you good?"


Dimitri knew not to pry when she gave bland or short and vague responses, it would just make her shut him out even more. He couldn't help be feel worried. Sadly, there was nothing to do but be there for her.

"Just letting you know I'm here for you for anything, whenever."

Just then she stepped out in a coat and jeans along with sneakers.

"Are you going somewhere?"

"You're going shopping with me" she stated right before dragging him out the door.

"woah what?"

"You are helping to buy me new clothes," Adelaide said as if he couldn't comprehend. She flashed the black card. "Is there another car here or do we need a ride share service?" Dimitri shrugged it off and pulled out a set of keys. Dimitri used his phone to find the nearest shopping center and started driving. Once there, Dimitri opened the door for her.

"Damn. These girls are crazy. It's snowing and these girls are walking around in stilettos, mini skirts and crop tops" Adelaide pointed out.

"I mean they are Russians" Dimitri responded. True. She thought to her self and shrugged it off. After about and hour of shopping, they had so many designer bags they had to go back to the car to drop them off.

"You have more than enough clothes. I know that's a black card, but I'm pretty damn sure you're close to hitting the limit. Are you sure you wanna go for another round?"

" I find it amusing how you genuinely think I care about this man at all. If anything I actually finding a little insulting" She retorted as she skipped towards Neiman Marcus. Dimitri laughed while catching up to her.


My apologies, I did edit this chapter and change a few things. I should sit on chapters a bit longer before I release them. If you initially read the first time it was released you should probably skim the chapter and read the parts that are different.

Mrs.Lerouxحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن