Chapter 14

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Adelaide awoke to the steady electronic beeping of a heart monitor. Her eyes hurt from the brightness of the room. She felt stiff as a log, she could barely move. Her chest was heavy and she already had a headache. She move her hands around the bed touching everything as if she were looking for something, but she didn't know what she was looking for. The movement made her realize she was hooked up to an IV and some other machines she wasn't quite familiar with. Her tapping around led her to finding a man's hand besides her.

She let out a shriek, but it came out more as a croak. It seemed she hadn't spoken in a long time. She started to panic. Her heart started to speed up along with the monitor. Soon enough a couple nurses and a doctor bursted into the room. She tried speaking, but it just came out as a series of burping croaks. The nurses were all yelling things, though she couldn't understand. Everything sounded muffled. The man woke from his nap on the chair besides her. He started panicking as well. It seemed he was trying to calm her down. He held her hand trying to calm her down, and it worked. The nurses went to double check her stats and everything before she went back to sleep.

She woke up again, but this time it was nighttime. The men was still in the chair besides her. He had black wavy hair and defined facial features. She thought he looked like a greek god. She still felt weak, but not as weak as the last time she woke up. She wasn't as scared either. She reached for the unopened bottle of water beside her on the table, but ended up knocking it over. The man's saturated green eyes popped open. He rushed to coddle her.

"You're awake, I should call the doctor. Are you okay if I leave for a moment?"

She tried to speak. Only a painful groan came out. Her throat was so dry, her mouth tasted so gross. She kept pointing to the bottle of water until he finally understood and gave it to her. She downed the whole thing in under thirty seconds. She gasped after finishing. She noticed him looking at her with eyes of worry.

"Where am I?" she rasped.

"You were trying to escape, and I guess you were so panicked that you ended up crashing the car. I found you and brought you along with me to Texas. You've been in a coma for a month."

Her eyes nearly budged out of her head. The last thing she remembered was eating dinner with her parents, Jackson, and Dimitri.

"You are you? Where's my family?" she started to panic.

He went to hold and shush her. "Adelaide, it's me Adonis. Your husband."

She looked more confused than ever. "I don't have a husband. I'm only twenty one."

Adonis sighed after he realized what was happening.

"Adelaide, what day is it?"

"January twenty something, I haven't been paying attention to the dates recently."

"Darling, its September... I think you're having amnesia. I need to call the doctor."

Adelaide didn't believe him until she saw the whiteboard on the wall with her patient information that said September as well. She sat there trying to relax herself, crushing the water bottle while the man left.

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