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I haven't seen Ezra since the game about a month ago, he'd been blowing up my phone but I made it clear I want nothing to do with him.

I'd tried building a friendship with him but I can't be friends with people who take me for granted.

I certainly didn't invite him to come and spend Thanksgiving with us and I almost ask who invited him but,

"Honey, I hope you don't mind that I invited Ezra."

This man is clearly wanting to drive me crazy.

Of course I mind.

Ezra has been nothing but a distraction throughout my life and I don't need that, not anymore at least. I need to rid myself of him and his toxic energy.

I know dad knows I'm not cool with him anymore because he hasn't come to visit in a while, also I act deaf whenever he starts asking about him.

So clearly he's trying to fish something by not only inviting him, but Cody too.

"Hi Cody,"
I decide to only acknowledge the other boy. He's usually quiet when he's irritated, I'd learned it was to keep his anger at bay, so as to not do something he'll regret.

He gives me a smile and then makes his way to have a seat next to me.

"You look good." He then whispers to me and now it's my turn to smile at him.

"Thank you for inviting me Ernest, it's really been tough with Grandma Michaels not around anymore." I hear Ezra say after having a seat next to dad and I ignore the slight break in my heart.

I don't doubt at all that it's been difficult without her.

But I'm still mad at him so,

"How've you been Cody?"
I decide to completely disregard Ezra still.

"I guess I've had better days."
He responds shyly and I decide not to pry. But I can't say the same for Liz because,

"What do you mean?"

Liz doesn't like Cody, so her tone doesn't at all surprise me.

"It's none of our business Liz!" I decide to say to her sternly after sensing his discomfort.

There's a very heavy tension surrounding the table that no one wants to address so we just continue mindlessly talking in hopes it'll disappear.

"The food is very lovely Mary."
I compliment the beautiful dark-skinned lady who's sitting on the other side of dad as we continue dining. Something big is going to be happening for her today and she needs to be in a good mood.

I don't think she thinks dad's going to propose. Not now nor ever.

In her head, dad has only really loved one woman and he'll never truly love another one again.

She's largely mistaken.

I can't wait to see the look on her face when dad pops the question. But until then,

"So Cody right? You're the guy who just couldn't commit to one person?"

Ezra's question catches all of us off guard.

Who even asks such a question?

It remains quiet for a while and so I almost say something so we recover from that moment but,

"You're the guy who was ashamed of her for years right?"

Cody doesn't do pettiness, he usually leaves people in their little stupid bubble, that is why I'm surprised by his response.

The one he never claimed. (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now