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This is the first time I'm seeing Josh cry since well - ever. They've got his face on the big screen with the words, 'Hi Josh, this game is dedicated to you.' and it's left on there throughout the game.

I might have told Ezra Josh's story.

In all honesty, it was in effort to motivate him to get us the tickets but never in a million years would I have ever thought he would do something like this.

I hold on to Josh so tight as he sobs on my shoulder silently and I try really hard to keep my own sobs at bay. I need to be strong for the both of us.

It's not at all hard to explain, this is an 8-year-old boy who not too long ago lost everything, literally. He became an orphan and lost his arm all in one night, but never have I seen him shed a tear at his tragedy, not once.

That easily makes him the strongest person that I know.

So finally seeing him balling his eyes out for seeing a picture of himself on a screen in the middle of the field at his favorite football club's game, and having the whole entire game dedicated to him tells me that this means everything to him.

And that is why I'm barely keeping it together right now too as I continue holding on to him for dear life.

"Josh, you have to watch the game," I whisper to him in effort to stop him from crying. The whole point of us being here is so he could see the match but now he's missing it because he's being emotional.

All he says is, "Alex, thank you." with so much meaning and I look into his eyes to tell him that I would do it again and more in a heartbeat.

At this point he knows that I'll literally cut off my legs for him, and I tell him all the time that he needn't thank me. Just simply being in the presence of such an incredibly humble and strong soul is enough for me. Plus I'd be lying if I said I don't benefit too from our interactions.

Not too long after, he manages to get himself together and so I finally hold his hand to lead him right by the field. I want him to have an experience that will last him a lifetime.

He's quiet the whole match even though he's watching still and I know it's because it's all too much to take in for him. I feel good knowing that it's emotions of positivity and light, not the opposite of that.

I've never wanted to see him cry but if it's tears of joy then I'll take it.

After yet another win from the eagles, the stadium finds itself in a mess as the crazily excited fans joyously celebrate yet another victory for the team.

The guards then escort us to the player's section where Josh will be formally introduced to the infamous team. He holds onto my hand for dear life as we're led on to where we're going to be meeting them.

I know he's nervous but that's fine because I'm excited enough for the both of us.

We then finally get into the room where cameras are surrounding us and the team is seated seemingly getting interviewed.

We wait for a while just listening to everyone gushing about the win before,

"We heard a story about a little boy who sadly lost his family in a tragic accident a few months. If you were tuning in to the game you might've seen an image of the boy on the big screen throughout the day." The interviewer says and I look over to Josh who seems to be getting upset but tries hard not to show it.

"The team brought out the boy who's in the studio right now. We will be talking to him later but gentlemen, what made you decide to do this for this little boy."

It's one thing to just put his picture on during the game for a dedication. And it's another to get on national television and tell someone's story without them being made aware or having approved that they could do that.

My eyes land on Ezra's in disappointment and he looks back at me sympathetically.

I'm getting irritated because this is seemingly being turned into a charitable thing, which it was never supposed to be.

All I did was ask a friend to hook me up with some tickets but he clearly had a motive behind giving us those tickets. Maybe that's why he took forever? He wanted to see how he could benefit from all this. Pathetic.

So when Josh stands up to leave, I don't try to stop him. I simply leave too.


I hear Ezra call but I make no effort to stop.

I run towards Josh who goes into the male bathroom to lock himself in one of the toilets.

"Josh. I don't know what that was but I'm really sorry. Please open."
I say softly to him not caring that I'm a female inside the men's bathroom.

"Why did they do that?"
I can hear his voice getting emotional.

Josh hates it when people feel bad for him, he hates it even more when he's treated like a charity case.

I almost say something to answer his question when,

"Hey, Josh. It was all my fault."
I hear Ezra say making his way closer to where I'm standing.

"I should've known they were going to do that and I'm sorry that I let it."
He says now directing his eyes to me.

"When I heard about your story, I felt touched. I wanted the team to know about this brave young boy who saved my friend's life when she was trying to save his."
He says now lowering his body to match Josh's height against the door.

I try not to react to his words. Josh did save me but I never told him that.

"Josh, please come out."
He says softly and the door opens not too long after to reveal a sad Josh who makes his way to him to give him a hug.

My heart breaks a little because he never lets me hug him but I'm happy to see him face to face with his hero.

We leave the toilet once people start getting in and looking at us funny then go into a room I've never seen before. Ezra explains that it's a player's lounge before fixing us some refreshments then makes his way out after telling us he needs to do something quickly.

"Are you ok?"
I ask Josh once we're alone.

He nods his head while he nibbles on a chocolate chip cookie.

I started realizing that he's actually shy despite him having a loud mouth sometimes. He's only like that with me and that warms my heart.

We sit there for a while before the door opens to reveal the whole team without cameras this time.

"Hi Josh." They all say almost in unison making him blush.

They then take turns introducing themselves to him and as I stand admiring the whole scene. I hear,

"Hey aren't you that girl at the graveyard?"
I've accepted that my past will always follow me wherever I go.

So I smile and almost answer the stranger but,

"She's the girl at the hospital." Ezra simply states and I see the guy form an 'o' with his lips seemingly connecting the dots.

Clearly he knows something that I don't by the way he then looks at me.

I decide not to entertain that and then make my way to a very exhilarated Josh who's surrounded by the people he looks up to.

Soon I tell him that it's time to go and he frowns but still conforms.

We make our way out but not before Ezra pulls me to the side to ask me if I'm ok and I nod at him silently before I thank him again and then go into the private basement where a happy Mickey is waiting for us.

The truth? I'm not ok. I specifically asked him to not tell anyone about Josh's story to which he swore he won't. So even though Josh has forgiven him, I haven't quite.

How are we supposed to make this friendship thing work if I can't trust him?

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