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I saw the shark jump up on top of my and pull me down. I screened as I went down with the shark. I don't think anyone heard. I was afraid so I tried to swim away. The shark then bit my side and I kicked it in the nose. Blood went everywhere and I started to pass out.

Tom's POV

I saw the girl go down and I knew what I had to do. I took off my shirt and through it down. I ran into the water and saw blood everywhere. I saw as fast as I could trying to ignore the lifeguards calling me in. I swam out and I saw her try to swim for air and then faint. She went into shock. I pulled her up out of the water as fast as possible. I put her on her surf board and swam back to shore. A young boy came in and help pull her out. He was crying.


"She is going to be alright. 911! SOMEONE CALL 911!" I yelled.

The lifeguards soon came yelling and checking her pulse. The ambulances soon came and put her in.

"Wait that's my sister!" The boy yelled.

"Come on! I'll drive you." I told him.

Dan told me he had to stay and clean up the stuff. Me and the boy got into my car and followed to ambulance. He was holding back his tears.

"I'm Y/b/n Y/l/n bye the way."

"I'm Tom Felton."

"Yeah your in Harry Potter right?" He said whimpering trying to change the topic.

"That's me!"

"Gosh, I hope she is ok."

"She will be, don't worry."

"I saw the blood, she lost too much! She is gonna need a match."

"How do you know? I mean, I saw the blood too, but how?"I said kindly.

"I study human biology and I know she is gonna need a match."

"Do you know her blood type?"


We soon got to the hospital and I ran inside with her brother.

"Hello, Miss, is Y/n here?" I said to the receptionist standing with her brother.

"Yes right down the hall in the emergency room."

We both ran into the room with doctors all around.

"SHE NEEDS BLOOD! SHE LOST TOO MUCH!" One of the doctors yelled.

"Hi I'm Y/b/n and that's my sister, is she ok?"

"Yes but do either of you have her blood type we need it now!"

"What is it?" He asked.

"AB+" The doctor said.

Wait, that's my blood type! I can save her life.

"That's mine!" I said loudly so they could all hear.

"Perfect! Come, come now!"

The doctors pulled me over and I sat down as they hooked up an IV to me and another to her. They were taking blood from me and putting it into her. Her parents soon walked through the door and he bother hugged them.


Her parents both crying and looking at me as they sat down. Her mom seemed to know exactly who I was. My heart was beating hoping that I could save a life today.

All of a sudden, I heard beeping. I grew a smile.

"She is good! She is alive Mrs. and Mr. Y/l/n."

Her parents both looked so relieved. I was so happy to see that. They nurses then unhooked my and put a bandage on me.

Her mother then came up to me and said "Thank you so much! Tom felton, right?"

"Yes ma'am. And I was thankfully a match. Thank you."

"Thank you!" Her dad then said.

I hugged her brother and he went and sat next to the girl.

"Her name is Y/n. She loves you as an actor. And the Harry Potter series." Her mom said.

"Well then, it was my pleasure helping."

"Did you drive my son here?"

"Yes. He and I both helped her out of the water. They called an ambulance and I offered to drive him here."

"Thank you Tom. You save my daughter's life."

"I had to do something to help her."

I said my hood byes and left. Y/n was still asleep/fainted/in shock so I couldn't say goodbye to her. I felt amazing with what I have done. The girl was very pretty and talented. I want to get to know her. I have decided that I will come and visit tomorrow.

I drove back to the beach to see Dan.

"Please tell me-"

"She is alive and well Dan!" I interrupted.

"OMG Tom! I was so scared!"

I ended up telling him the whole story and he was shocked. He kept telling me to ask her out tomorrow when I go see her but I said no. Her parents did seem to like me and that is what mattered. I soon drove home with Dan.

When I got home.m, I jumped into the shower and cleaned up before having dinner and going to bed.

I'm very excited for this story!
love y'all 🤍🤍

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