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Tom's POV

The next day, I woke up at 8:00 am and went downstairs to feed Willow, my dog, and have breakfast. I ate quickly and then went to my room to get dressed for the day.

By 9:00 am I was out of the house. I drove and hour to Malibu hospital since I live in Hollywood. I drove while listening to my music.

Once I arrived I asked to see her and a doctor led me to her room. She was asleep but she wasn't in shock anymore. I closed the door behind me but then I heard a sound.

Shoot! I woke her up. I thought to myself.


"Um hi." I said kindly.

She sat up and looked at me.

"Are you-"

"Yes, I'm um, Tom Felton. Sorry if I woke you. I just wanted to ummm, well come and say hi." I said nervously.


I noticed how nervous he was. I wanted to tell him how big of a fan I was of Harry Potter but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable.

"I heard you saved my life yesterday." I said calmly. "I really appreciate it, thank you."

"Yeah, of course. We were a match so I had to do something."

He rubbed his hand on his neck nervously. I knew he was nervous but I don't know why.

"No, seriously, I means the world to me. I gotta repay you somehow!" I said playfully but in a sincere way.

Tom's POV

I like this girl. I don't know how but I was getting butterflies in my stomach and I was really nervous.

"Umm... you can repay me with your number maybe?"

I mentally slapped myself realizing what I said. She looked at me and smiled.

"818..." she started.

"Wait, really?"

"Yeah, I've never been asked by a guy for my number and your cute so why not." She said nicely.

I smiled really big and sat on the chair next to the bed. I pulled out my phone and she continued her number. Then it hit me! SHE CALLED ME CUTE! I got even more nervous. I never get nervous. This girl is different. Her face is like an angel.

"You are very talented you know." I said. " I saw you surf that huge wave and do tricks. It was amazing!"

"Oh, thank you very much. I didn't realized people even watched me."

"Your really great and a lot of people saw."

"Thank you."

"So ummm, how is the bite?"

She then lifted her hospital gown to show her waist wrapped in a huge bandage multiple times. (yes she was wearing shorts) I gasped at the sight of it.

"Does it hurt?"

"A lot. I just wanna get back out there. I've been thinking that this might affect things when I don't want it to."

"Your not scared?"

"Your more likely to be killed by a cow then a shark." She said as we both laughed. "Anyways, I was happy it was me and not anyone else."

When she said that I smiled thinking how kind she is. She was so amazing. She put others before herself and she was brave, very brave.

"Your pretty brave!"

"And so are you!" She said right back. I gave a confused look as she said, "Going into the water after me life that, that was amazing. I would've drown if it wasn't for you! Thank you so much!"

I smiled and went to say something but then the doctor walked in.

"Good morning Y/n! Today we are checking your stitches and doing some physical therapy!" The doctor said. "Ahhh, and hello Mr. Felton. Always nice to see you!"

"I guess I should be going. Thank you..."

"Wait!" She shouted at me as I was about to open the door to leave. "I wanna give you something."

She help out her hand and handed me a shark tooth.

"I thought you should have it since you saved me. They umm, saw it in my side. It's completely clean but you saved me so I want you to take it."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive! Thank you."

I grabbed to tooth and took it with me as I said goodbye and left. I thought about everything with a smile on my face as I drove home.

When I got home, Dan greeted me and so did Willow. He asked about what I was holding and how it went so I told him everything. Even the part where I realized I liked her.

"Ooo, Tom over here getting the girls!" He said playfully. I just smiled back as he said, "So, text her!"

I said ok and went outside with my guitar to practice. I wanted to write a new song about her. I practiced for the rest of the day until night came. And I went to sleep.

Idk why my chapters end up being detailed but short but here it is!
lmk about any recommendations! Love you guys!!! :)))

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