5- CrankGamePlays

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I took this story that I wrote from my other account @hellhound_cervi so you can also find it there.

Word Count: 1642

Today was a somewhat normal day so far at my house that I shared with my boyfriend Ethan. I woke up around nine o'clock and I looked over at the other side of the bed and saw that Ethan was still asleep.

I smiled to myself as I looked at him and I leaned over and kissed his forehead softly. He smiled a bit in his sleep and I kissed his cheek this time. He opened his eyes a bit and smiled even wider.

"Good morning baby," I said to him and smiled. "Good morning Y/N." He replied softly and kissed me.

"How did you sleep?" I asked him and sat up a bit. "I slept well, what about you?" He asked and pulled the blanket up over him a bit more.

"I slept good actually." I smiled and cuddled him a bit. "Do you have any plans for today?" I asked and looked at him.

"Yeah I have a surprise for you later but I need to record a video first. The sooner I get it done the quicker we can go get the surprise." He replied with his eyes closed and a slight smirk on his face.

"Oh okay- wait a surprise? For me? Today?" I asked all at once and sat up and he nodded. "Well, why didn't you say so? Come on so we can go get it." I jumped up out of the bed and went to our closet.

I grabbed some dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt then turned around to look at our bed and saw that Ethan was still laying down.

I grabbed the blanket and pulled it off of him. I saw that he was shirtless and wearing only some shorts. "Come on we need to get ready for the day."

"But I'm tired and cold." He whined a bit. "There is so much we need to do though," I said and turned to grab one of his hoodies and threw it to him.

"I'll only get up if you give me a kiss." He said in a cute voice that he does a lot. "Fine but you have to get up right after." I walked over to him and leaned down to give him a kiss.

I stood there for a second but then he grabbed me and pulled me on top of him and kissed me. "Okay you got your kiss now come on," I said and sat up. "Okay Y/N," He said and pushed me to the side and I fell onto the bed while laughing.

I smiled a bit and threw a pillow at him and it messed. He picked up the pillow quickly and threw it at me and it hit me right in the face. "Wow, thanks." I laughed sarcastically while he started cracking up.

I smiled and got out of the bed again and grabbed my clothes and was about to go into the bathroom to get dressed but he was already in there getting ready. "Babe do you want me to make breakfast now or do you want to order something and have it delivered?" I asked on the other side of the door.

"Can you make some pancakes if it's not any trouble? You just make the best food and I love your cooking." He said back and it made me smile. "Yeah of course and thank you," I replied and left my clothes on the bed because I was gonna get ready later. "You're welcome." He said.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen and started making the pancakes for him. While I was waiting for the pancakes to be ready to flip I got out some fruit and put a variety of different kinds into a bowl and put it on the table.

I finished making the pancakes and put them on a plate for Ethan and brought them over to the table along with the syrup and put them down.

I got out some things to make chocolate milk for Ethan and I. While I was mixing the chocolate into the milk I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. "Smells good." He whispered to me and kissed my cheek.

"I hope the food tastes as good as it smells." I laughed a bit and turned around to face him once I was done mixing the cups of chocolate milk.

"I'm sure it will be great like it always is." He responded and put his hands on each side of my face and kissed me softly. I smiled into the kiss and pulled away and looked at him.

"Go eat before it gets cold." I laughed a bit and grabbed the cups and brought them over to the table as he sat down.

I ate some fruit as he ate his pancakes. "How is it?" I asked and looked at him as I grabbed another strawberry and ate it. He looked at me with a mouthful and nodded and gave me a thumbs up. I laughed and smiled, "Well thank you, I'm glad you like it."

Once he finished eating his pancakes and some fruit he quickly drank all of his chocolate milk and stood up. He stood next to me and gave me a kiss on my head. "Thank you so much for this amazing breakfast Y/N." I smiled and got up too, "You're welcome."

Ethan grabbed his dirty plates and put them in the dishwasher then he took my cup and the empty bowl that the fruits were in and put them in there too.

"I'll start this up real quick then I'm gonna go record a video if you want you can go get ready so we can leave." He suggested and walked over to me. "Okay, that sounds good to me." I smiled and gave him a hug.

After about a minute long hug we went our separate ways while I went upstairs and he stayed in the kitchen to clean up a bit more then record a video.

I got to our room then grabbed my clothes off the bed where I left them then I went into the bathroom to change. Once I was dressed I brushed my hair and teeth then I went back downstairs to Ethan's recording room.

I didn't hear him talking to his camera so I'm guessing he was finished recording. I knocked on the door and waited for him to answer. "Come in." He yelled from the inside of the room and I walked in/

"Hey, are you finished recording?" I asked as I walked over to him. "Yeah I just finished, are you ready to go?" He asked me and grabbed my hand and walked out of the room and into the living room. I nodded and he smiled.

"Alright, let's go then because your surprise is waiting." He said and he grabbed his keys and we went out to his car and got in.

"So what is the surprise?" I asked as he began to drive. He shook his head and glanced at me, "If I were to tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?"

I frowned a bit even though there was no chance he was going to tell me. "No, it wouldn't." He started to laugh a bit and I looked over at him. "What are you laughing at?" "You're just so cute Y/N." He responded and I blushed and looked away.

He put his hand on my leg and laughed a bit more. "God I love you so much." He said softly. "I love you too Ethan."

After driving a bit longer we arrived but I had no idea where we were because Ethan made me keep my eyes closed half of the way here. He got out of the car and opened my door for me and helped me out. He led me somewhere and told me to stand there for a minute.

I was standing in the same spot for about two minutes until a heard some footsteps. "Ethan is that you?" I asked and waited for a response but I got nothing.

I slowly opened my eyes and let them adjust to the light for a moment and I was standing in some grass next to a building with a lot of fences and I saw some dogs running around.

I didn't see Ethan anywhere in sight then I turned around and saw him standing there with a dog in his arms. It was the cutest dog I've ever seen, he had black fur on most of his body and the other parts were a light gray with black spots.

I was in shock for a moment then I made eye contact with Ethan and he had the biggest smile on his face. "Well, surprise Y/N," he said cheerfully. I went over to him and pet the dog.

"Is this ours? Like to keep forever?" I asked Ethan and smiled. He nodded and I felt tears in my eyes and I hugged Ethan. "Thank you so much." I kissed his cheek and smiled even more. "You're welcome. I thought it would be a good time for us to become dog parents." He said and I laughed.

"Well, I'm glad you got him, what's his name?" I asked as I pet the dog even more. "His name is Spencer." "Aww, that's cute, also unique." I smiled, "Let's take this little guy home and see how he likes it."

With that, we all got in the car and I held Spencer in the front seat while Ethan drove back to the house after stopping at the store to get some things that we need for Spencer.

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