19- Ransom Drysdale

218 10 4

Word Count: 1919

"Hey! Y/N! Are you in there?" Someone yelled and began banging on my door. I groaned and rolled over in my bed and pulled the blanket over my head.

I heard the doorknob being fiddled with for a while as the banging continued. I tried my hardest to ignore it but then silence was all to be heard. "Y/N I finally got your door open," the voice spoke.

I groaned again as I felt the person jump on my bed. "Come on you need to get ready, the party is gonna start in an hour and you're barely awake," they spoke and I soon realized who it was. 

"Come on Meg, I'm so tired and I just want to sleep," I said tiredly.  "Didn't you hear me? The party starts in an hour and it's a twenty-minute drive," Meg said and pulled the blanket off of me.

"Well, why didn't you wake me up earlier?" I asked as I got out of bed and stretched. "I did, well I tried. I called you like thirty times but you are the one who has her phone on silent," Meg sassed as she walking into my closet.

"Here wear this, and for god's sake please brush your hair. It's a rat's nest," She said and sat on my bed and watched television. "Fine," I said and grabbed the clothes she picked out for me and walked into the bathroom.

I got dressed in a cream-colored sweater with some black leggings. Once I was dressed I did my normal routine for getting ready.

I walked out of the bathroom when I was done and Meg jumped up and pulled me all the way to my front door. "Put your shoes on quick, I have the rest of your things already," she said and I put on some white sneakers.

After that, we got into her car and she drove off before I could even buckle up. "We have plenty of time don't worry," I said. "We are going to be late either way but we'll be fashionably late," she laughed and I nodded.

We finally arrived about five minutes late but before we got to the door Meg stopped me. "I'm just warning you about-" Meg began. "Meg I've met everyone before don't worry," I cut her off. "No, you haven't met my cousin Ransom yet. If he says anything to you just ignore him. He is an asshole so don't bother with him," she said and I nodded.

She knocked not the door and the help answered the door. "Meg, Y/N, nice to see that you arrived," Fran said and let us inside. "Good to see you too," I greeted.

We weren't even three steps into the house when a man approached us. I'm guessing he is Ransom since he doesn't look familiar to me. He stood tall in front of us with a smirk on his face, he looked like a trouble maker.

"Wow for once I'm not the last one to arrive," he said in a teasing tone. "Shut up Ransom. Come on Y/N," she said and walked away. 

I was about to follow her when Ransom stepped in front of me. "Um.." I said quietly and he chuckled. "I don't believe we have met before. Ransom," he greeted and held out his hand for me to shake as he introduced himself.

"Y/N," I said and I shook his hand briefly and glanced up at him for a moment. "I better get going, Meg is probably looking for me." "Ah not so fast. I want to get to know you, I'll grab some drinks. Stay right here," he said and walked off.

I didn't know whether or not to stay but I didn't have to decide since Harlen, Meg's grandfather, walked up to me. "Y/N dear, it's so nice to see you again." He said and held his arms open for a hug which I accepted.

"How have you been?" He asked and I shrugged, "Really tired lately. School and work are really taking a toll on me." "Well, that just means that you are giving it your all, and one day you will be successful," he said and I nodded. "Yeah hopefully," I laughed.

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