Chapter Seven: Ten Duel Commandments

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I woke up the next morning with a horrible cramp in my neck, my body stiff and sore from sleeping in a chair. Why can't I ever get a normal night of sleep? I think to myself as I open my eyes and sit up.

I jump out of the chair, realising I'm alone in the infirmary. Rushing out into the summer sunshine, I sprint down the path to the Camarvan, praying that everyone was alright.

I reach the door handle just as it opens, and I'm face to face with Wilbur, who looks just as shocked to see me as I do him.

Wilbur crushes me in a giant hug, and I crush him back. I was shaking a little, just from the surprise of not seeing anyone when I woke up.

"You're okay?" I whispered, my voice low with emotion.

"We all are" Wilbur answered, pulling me into the van.

My gaze shot up into the room as I looked into the faces of Tommy, Tubbo, and Fundy. They all had bandages, mostly on their heads, but at first glance I would've thought they were just getting ready for war, not suffering from the after events of it.

"Nix! You're awake!" Tubbo smiled gleefully, rushing over to hug me. Fundy joined the hug, and Wilbur followed his actions. The only one left out was Tommy.

"Tommy, come over here and hug me or I swear god I will shank you with a sword as payback for what you did to my arm" I said, smiling sweetly.

Tommy grumbled in protest, but walked over and joined the group hug, giving it that last feeling of home that it was missing.

Suddenly, a L'Manbergian citizen burst through the door, causing us to pull apart in surprise.

"Eret is at the wall," He wheezed, out of breath from the run over to the van, "He wants to talk with you all"

I shared a look of anger with Fundy, both of us saddened and disappointed by the turn of events. Wilbur sighed, nodded his head and gestured for us to follow him outside.

Once at the entrance between L'Manberg and the SMP, we spotted Eret waiting silently, the dream team watching us from a far away distance.

"Hello Wilbur....." Eret greeted him, waving his hand slowly.

Wilbur's fist collided with Eret's face, Eret stumbling back and holding his jaw. I gasped out in surprise, Wilbur had never chosen violence so quickly before. Everyone stood shocked, and the dream team made no movements towards us.

"Ok, I deserved that" Eret muttered, rubbing his face.

"Eret how could you?" Wilbur questioned in a low voice.

"Eret, I farmed with you for hours!" Tubbo yelled out, a few tears slipping down his face.

Eret straightened his sunglasses, and met our enraged expressions.

"What can I say?" He started, "It was never meant to be"

"Eret listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, you fucked up" Tommy growled, his eyes blazing with rage.

"Let's get back to the topic I asked to meet you for," Eret said, ignoring Tommy. "Dream is wondering if you, Wilbur, would like to meet with him privately"

"Yes, I would" Wilbur nodded, glancing over to where Dream stood.

We all shared unsure glances at each other, not enjoying the idea of Wilbur going to meet with Dream alone and unarmed. Ultimately it wasn't up to us whether Wilbur went or not, so of course he did just that.

All of us agreed to wait here at the border while Wilbur was gone, no one wanting to leave him alone. Eret had left with Wilbur, and came back to wait with George and Sapnap, who were already launching into another fight of theirs, after Sapnap had nudged him with his elbow. They really are children, I thought to myself, wondering how Dream could ever get them under control.

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