Chapter Fifty Four: Amends

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"Can we talk?"

"Of course," I reply instantly, hope spreading in my chest. Maybe this is the chance for us to make up.

I look down at Nix, and she gives me a small smile, pulling away from me and leaving George and I to talk.

"So..." George starts, sitting down on the edge of the prime path and looking at the water.

"So?" I sit next to him.

"I need your advice on something...and um, that's it," George says quietly.

"Okay," I nod, trying to be patient.

"After you...dethroned me..." George takes his time with his words. "I needed to think about some things...and I took a walk in the woods".


"Stop, I know you think I'm being an idiot right now but just hang on a minute," George replies while trying to keep a straight face.

"Right. Totally serious," I clear my throat and nod.

"Okay okay, so when I went walking, I started to feel really tired. Like so tired that I was falling asleep as I walked. So I stopped and sat down near this tree, and fell asleep instantly," George continues.

"Jeez George, I knew you slept a lot but-"

"Dream," George warns.

I stop talking.

"Suddenly, I was awake. And I felt more awake than ever. But I knew I was dreaming, because you were standing in front of me. But you were different. You were wearing this deep green cloak, and there was this x shape around your head that glowed".


"And then you spoke, and it sounded weird, like echo-y and stuff," George dips a finger in the water and watches the ripples. "But you said my name, and I was so sure it was you. So I got up and walked with you. You pretended like we weren't fighting, and it was really nice. Then..." George pulls his hand from the water. "It wasn't nice, and you were yelling and sending people to hell, and I realized it wasn't you. I was scared, and I think what scared me the most is that I couldn't tell the difference between you and whoever was pretending to be you".

It left a gross feeling in my stomach, knowing what I know and knowing what George doesn't know. Do I tell him?

"But he asked if we could be friends forever".

The tone of George's voice makes my head swing over to see his face.

George was smiling.

"You know how much I hate commitment," George looked up towards me.

"Yeah," I reply in a low voice.

"But I said yes. And he hasn't left me ever since".

His words snap action into me, and I look around, as if I would be able to see him.

"Not now, idiot," George huffs. "Whenever I'm asleep".

"Oh," I reply.

"After that I realized who he was, but I want to know his connection to you," George crosses his arms. "So how do you know XD?"

XD? He's given him a nickname? He's given god a fucking nickname?

"It's a long story," I begin, "When I was around ten, I saw Callahan go into the woods late at night. So I followed him".

As I explained about Callahan being a god, George laughed, in complete disbelief.

"So Callahan was talking to XD?" George asks.

"Yeah. I have no idea what about, but they caught on pretty quickly that I was there," I nod. "But when I saw DreamXD, I couldn't help but stare in amazement. He looked so cool, and when his voice demanded that I show myself, I felt fear. It was how confident and emotionless he seemed with his mask. I wanted to be like him. And so..."

"You got a mask like his?" George catches on, "And you named yourself-"

"Dream," I nod. "At this point, I feel like the mask and name is my own. I just like it better, not because I look like a god, but because it's a part of me now".

"What's your birth name?" George asks, "I know it's dumb but I just always assumed your parents thought it would be funny to name you that".

"Ouch, my parents wouldn't do that," I laugh. "And you can ask Sapnap my real name-"


We both turn around to see Sapnap approach.

"Your real name is Clay. I remember when you started going by Dream. It was only a year after we met," Sapnap sits on the other side of me. "Sorry, I was eavesdropping on your conversation".

"How long have you been listening like a creep?" George asks.

"Like the entire conversation. You guys only moved a little bit from where the crowd was," Sapnap shrugs.

"Well we probably would've told you the entire thing afterwards anyways," I assure him.

Sapnap stays silent. We all sit together, watching the sun slowly fall to the horizon line.

"You know," Sapnap speaks after a while. "You could've just told us what was happening. That's what really pisses me off".

"I'm sorry-"

"You know I wouldn't have cared if you told me about Nix!" Sapnap raises his voice. "Even though we're your best friends, you shut us out half the fucking time! I just don't understand why".

I wait for Sapnap to let it all out before trying to talk again.

"I thought we might be going back to the way we were before the L'Manberg war when we did the manhunt! Just fucking talk to us next time!"

"Next time," I smile.

"Fuck you," Sapnap grumbles.

"I'm working on crying more," I chuckle.

Sapnap and George both join me, laughing at the absurdity of the statement.

"What does that even mean?" George giggles.

"What I'm trying to say is that I'm trying to let my emotions out more. I won't keep secrets anymore, they aren't worth the hassle," I explain through wheezes. Our laughter fades into comfortable silence. 

"Can we be friends again?" Sapnap asks.

"When were we ever not?" I respond.

"That was just a year long contract right?" George joins in. "We aren't actually friends".

"Oh wait, I forgot," Sapnap jokes.

"Wait Sapnap," I became serious again. "Did you not know about Karl?"

Sapnap frowns and looks back down at the water.

"No. I had no idea".

George and I share looks.

"Did Quackity?" George asks.

"I don't know. I don't think so, but I also didn't think Karl was a time traveler so what do I really know about either of them," Sapnap laughs dryly.

"I'm sorry, Sapnap," I reply softly.

"I'm just so fucking tired of people not telling me things," Sapnap holds his chin with the palm of his hand. "It sucks ass".

"Fine. No more secrets between any of us. Deal?" I put my hand out.

"Deal," George puts his hand on top of mine.

We both look over at Sapnap.

"Deal," He echoes, his hand landing on George's. 

The Dream Team was back. 


Author's Notes: Real short chapter, sorry. I hope everyone is doing well and drinking water and all that good shit! Have a luminous day. 

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