Chapter Thirty Six: Discovery

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"Tubbo's alive"

How can a sentence be so relieving and so daunting at the same time.

"How?" Dream responded confusedly.

"I-I don't know, Niki didn't say" I shook my head, scanning the rest of the note.

"Let me see" He reached for the letter.

"No!" I pulled back from him.

Dream slowly drew his hand back, staying quiet.

"I mean...sorry I didn't mean for it to come out like that, I'm just trying to understand what happened" I apologise, and Dream nods, backing away from me a bit.

"Right" He clears his throat.

I reread the note a few more times, just making sure I didn't miss a single detail. If Niki was ok, and Tubbo was alive, then not all hope was lost. Maybe Niki being close to Wilbur was a good thing, maybe she could talk him out of whatever craziness he has planned.

"Techno.." I growled, crumpling up the piece of paper in my palm.

"Hmmm?" Dream shifted, watching me.

"Techno better thank god that Tubbo's alive, otherwise I don't know what I would've done to him"

"Not to burst your bubble, but you'd barely be able to touch a hair on his head" Dream chuckled.

"Wanna bet?" I turned to look at him, the rage meeting my eyes. I could feel the burning sensation in my chest start to build up, flaring through my body.

I didn't try to extinguish it this time. I welcomed it, ignoring the feeling of fatigue.

Dream slowly backed away from me, pulling off his mask, his eyes wide.

My eyes instinctively shut tight as I slowly got past the feeling of fainting, the nausea going to a place deep in the back of my mind, and I gradually opened my eyes again, feeling better than ever.

"Woah" Dream mumbled out, his eyes running over me.

I looked down at myself, and instantly gasped.

A layer of fire ran across my arms...and my legs...and the rest of my body.

"AHH GET IT OFF OF ME!" I screamed, running around and looking in each of the cups for water.


"HELP!" I swatted at the fire, attempting to pat it out.


Why wasn't he helping me? I need to get this fire away before it burns me...


The realisation hit me just as Dream stood in front of me and waved his hand in my face to get my attention.

"It doesn't hurt..." I marvel, turning my hand over to watch the flames travel across my fingers.

"Nix, I think the fire is coming from you" He said gently, making sure not to touch me but still trying to comfort me.

"I..what the fuck?" I mumble. This isn't normal. This isn't something that should be happening.

"Are you...human?" Dream asks.

Tears start forming in my eyes, and my emotions seem even more fragile in this state.

"Yes! I mean, I thought so! What's happening to me?" My body starts trembling as I begin to freak out. All of the sudden I can't breathe, and it's terrifying.

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