Chapter Thirty Nine: Death

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I tried my hardest to stay away from the war, I really did.

But when the ground starts shaking from the amount of explosions, you kind of get curious.

I was a nervous wreck ever since Dream had talked me out of fighting today, knowing that my friends could be hurt, or dead.....

Attempting to distract myself somehow, I followed George on his escapade to build a new house in the smp territory. Callahan joined us too, greeting me with a warm smile that I had missed ever since I moved into Eret's castle.

"So Callahan," I started, watching George add some finishing touches to his hobbit hole house.
"Is Alyssa...Okay?"

Callahan looked at the ground, giving a small shake of his head.

My heart sank a little, I really thought that maybe I could talk things out with Alyssa soon. Maybe she needs more space.

"I'm sorry. If there's anything I can do-"

A thunderous boom echoed through the trees as the ground shook with force that I knew only a buttload of tnt could cause.

It was almost like a lever finally switched on inside my mind, as I didn't even blink before I started sprinting towards the explosion. George yelled something, but my mind was already in another place.

It was so stupid of me to think that maybe things would work out, that no one would get hurt.

I know I shouldn't have promised Dream that I would stay out of things.

Racing up the prime path with a speed I never knew I could reach, I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the war.

A crater bigger and deeper than I had ever seen took the place of L'Manberg, water from the lake pouring down, buildings destroyed, bodies...everywhere. I felt the urge to vomit looking at the carnage and quickly turned away, covering my mouth with my hand.

Only then did I notice the large group of people gathered near where the stage used to be, now just the side of a mountain.

Putting one foot in front of the other, I made my way over to the crowd, trying to see what they were staring at. I recognised almost all of the people in the gathering, seeing their battle scars and broken looks. Niki, Tommy, Tubbo, Quackity, and Fundy just to name a few. I almost wanted to call out to them, but stopped instantly when I finally could see what they were looking at.

Two figures standing inside of a cave in the mountain came into view, one I was able to make out instantly, and the other I didn't recognise at all.

The man had blonde hair and long green robes, standing directly across from Wilbur, who had his arms open, almost like he was waiting for a hug. I did a double take when I realised that the man had huge black wings, that were as dark as obsidian, maybe even darker.

For a second, everything went in slow motion as the man took a step towards Wilbur, and then plunged a sword deep into Wilbur's chest.

My heart stopped, and a scream tore out of me, making the group look up to where I stood.

He can't be.....

Using my last bit of energy, I stumbled through the rocky terrain of the now destroyed L'Manberg, making my way to the back of the mountain. Quickly finding the entrance, I sprinted into the cave, collapsing next to my brother. The stranger had been holding Wilbur in his arms, but got up quickly when I entered, moving out of my way.

"Will? Can you hear me?" I sobbed, cradling his limp body in my arms. "Please....".

"He's...gone." The man said from behind me, seeming to struggle with what he was saying.

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