the eleventh chapter.

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jet never held grudges, but she disregarded that fact when she came face to face with the one girl she despised.

even though jet was the one to bump into her enemy, she didn't even bother to finish her apology. "what the fuck are you doing here, anna?" she asked the blond girl, who was standing there with a confident look plastered on her face—to which jet could only dream of smacking off.

"i'm here to see someone," she rolled her eyes, "nosy as always, i see."

"bitchy as always, i see. now, move out of the fucking way."

anna tsked, "you never were the type of person to face your problems; always running away from them."

"shut your goddamn mouth before i staple it shut," she spat, looking at the demon that stood before her. "you never fucking changed, apparently. always digging nose deep into other people's lives because you don't have one of your own. go find a fucking hobby, you goddamn cunt." jet's words spewed hatred and frustration. every word that was directed towards a certain anna holden oozed with resentment, with utter disgust.

ignoring her completely, anna perked up at a sight behind her. "luke, hi!" she waved her hand around, trying to grab the attention of jet's new neighbor.

the angry girl turned around slowly, following the gaze of the blond bimbo and sighed. luke was strolling over to the two, blue eyes full of pure fury. like before, he ignored the pink-haired girl and focused on anna. "what are you doing here?"

jet looked back and forth between both blonds with bemusement. "you two know each other?"


"of course, he's my boyfriend!"

"ex-boyfriend," he added in.

she scrunched up her nose. she knew luke wasn't the best person, but to date a monster like anna? she had to give him props. "luke, you poor thing."

he looked at her for a second, before returning to his glare. "i know. i can't believe i dated this piece of shit for four fucking years," he scoffed. "now answer the question. what are you doing here?"

"to see you," anna said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "why else?"

luke rolled his eyes and sighed. "look, anna, i don't know if you hit your fucking head before you came here, but we're not together anymore," he said, motioning between the two of them. "you made that very clear three years ago."

if jet didn't know any better, she would've started crying right then and there. his eyes imitated the aggressive nature of fire, and if she didn't proceed with caution, she would've ended up mixed in with the flames. so, she simply stood awkwardly by the door and picked at her fingers.

she would've left the apartment building by now, but with anna standing in front of the exit, the only thing the twenty-year-old could do was observe the situation before her.

luke seemed more pissed off than ever, a permanent scowl on his face. jet noticed the shift in his breathing pace—his long, deep breaths quickly transformed into short and heavy pants.

"don't tell me you're here because you want me back, because you're dead fucking wrong."


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