the second chapter.

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" WIN "

jet liked to explore. she moved around quite a lot growing up, so going on adventures slowly became a staple in the young girl's life.

and considering her most recent move was to a big city, jet didn't even bother to unpack before going on her way.

she strolled around the busy city, taking in the smell of the drizzling rain and the view. crowds of people gathered up on the sidewalks, umbrellas up, and their chatter filling up the streets. she observed the shops on each street as she moved along, a small smile on her face that never seemed to fade.

and then, she came across a small corner diner called john's.

she stared at the big, red, glowing letters that read the name of the diner, taking a deep breath. it was cold, and the place looked warm, so she pulled open the door and stepped in.

the comforting chatter from the streets quickly transformed into the obnoxious laughter of four boys once she entered the restaurant.

she took a seat at the counter, and her eyes scanned the menu. "i'll have a chocolate milkshake, please."

she fiddled with her fingers as she waited for her drink, eyes focused on picking at the skin around her nails. it was a habit of jet's, one that she acquired at a young age. she hated that it ruined her hands, but she couldn't help but do it.

a raspy voice caused her to look up. "here you go, ma'am."

her chocolate milkshake slid across the counter, stopping right in front of her. she thanked the man, who looked in his thirties. the name tag read john, and jet put two and two together.

she watched as john entered the employee section of the diner. she sighed, taking a sip of her milkshake, and then she overheard the conversation coming from the four boys.

usually, jet wasn't one to eavesdrop on other people, but it was hard not to listen to the group's loud chat.

she played with her bitten straw, trying to block out the conversation. however, she stopped trying when she heard a few distinct words.

"...fight tomorrow at the forest..."

jet stopped mid-sip. fight tomorrow at the forest, she recited in her mind. the forest?

she paused for a moment, thinking of what the forest could be—the name of a building or an actual forest. her best bet was probably the first.

"it's at eight, so don't be late, luke."

"yeah, i kno—"

"and don't forget to meet us at—"

"at crave. i know, ashton."

crave? it sounded very familiar to the girl, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. she retraced her steps, and bingo!

she recalled entering a frozen yogurt place called crave earlier that day, and it was one of the first places she discovered—since it was across the street from her apartment.

"luke, you need to rest up tonight. you're going up against matthews."

"does it matter? i'm going to win anyways."


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