the fifteenth chapter.

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luke wasn't on his best game. it's not like he was doing terrible—because he wasn't, he was doing amazing—but he knew he could do better.

he was currently sitting on a stool in the corner of the boxing ring. he had just finished the first round, and he was fucking pissed.

"luke, buddy, you're doing great out there," ashton patted his sweaty back, quickly realizing that was a mistake and wiped his hand. "picture calum, and you'll get a t.k.o."

luke just grumbled in response as he swished water around his mouth. he spit out the water, purposely spilling a bit onto ashton.

"thanks so much, luke. i'll never wash this shirt again."

the boxer was just about to respond when a very familiar voice chimed in. "luke?"

"oh, hey jet!" ashton smiled.

jet? the fuck? he looked at her and the bright pink hair tie held in her hand caught his attention. he furrowed his eyebrows. "what are you doing here? i'm going back in soon."

"i noticed your hair was annoying you, so i thought you should tie it back, so it's out of your face," she explained, holding out the hair tie.

the blond just stared at it. how the fuck did she know? "i don't know how to tie my fucking hair."

"let me do it for you," she said, leaning closer to the ring, quickly grabbing the front section of his hair and tying it into a small ponytail.

honestly, jet was surprised that luke was so cooperative. he simply put his head back and let her tie his hair. jet thought he looked really pretty.

"is that better?"

do i have to admit it? he internally groaned and went with a blunt nod.

how he made his nod seem blunt, jet didn't know, but she still smiled at him. "go back out there and kick his ass."

just as she said those very inspirational words, the bell had rung, signaling the start of the second round. she walked back to her seat, and she could instantly tell the difference with his fight style. it was a lot smoother now, and he seemed like he was in much more control.

she became engrossed in the fight like she always did when watching luke—not even catching the knowing smirks coming from the two boys sitting next to her.

and after three rounds, luke was reigned the victor once again, looking smug as ever. he walked back to the locker room, his white towel hanging around the back of his neck.

once he was done dressing up, he made his way out to find jet and the boys excitedly chatting about something.

jet was the first one to acknowledge his presence. "luke, hi! you did great! was the hair tie doing you some justice?"

right, he sighed. he had forgotten about that; clearly he had forgotten since it was still in his hair. "uh, yeah, it did. thanks," he said, raising his arm to take it out, but not before jet shook her head.

"no, keep it," she waved him off. "for next time."

with a small smile, he nodded his head. i think i found my new good luck charm, he thought to himself, but he would die before ever admitting it.

but because the universe has its ways, his smile quickly faded into another deadly scowl.

"hey lukey."



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