Meeting the Prince

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Chapter 6

I woke up before my maids came back. I had 2 hours to myself, seeing that it was 6:00am and my maids come at 8:00am. I took out some paper and a pen and started my first letter.

Dear Mom, Dad, Kylie, Carl, Kendall,

It's my first day and I am meeting the prince in 3 hours or so. I am super nervous, but super excited at the same time. There are two other 5s and one 6. The rest are all higher castes. The plane ride was kinda scary at first, but once I got comfortable it was really cool. I made a friend already. Isabella Gardner, the 4. I also talked with Alexis Crayler on the plane and she seems nice. The twos are exactly how you imagine them and who is in what caste is beyond obvious. Well that's all for now, but I'll wright you soon. I miss you so much already and I can't wait 'til I see you again (which probably won't be long).

Love you all,


p.s the food is better than anything

I sealed the letter, put it on my counter and started with my journal.

When my maids came in they looked pleased. "Oh Kathleen your up. We thought we'd have to drag you out if bed," Sophia said. "Not today ladies," I told them with a chuckle. They smiled and instantly got to work. They did my makeup, curled my hair and put me in a white, knee-length chiffon dress with pink floral patterns and spaghetti straps. I surprised myself with my knowledge of fashion, but the thought drifted away when my maids rushed me out the door. "What's the hurry," I asked. "We wouldn't want you to be late of the prince," Charlotte told me. "Whatever happened to fashionably late," I called back as the guard took me to the dining room.

When I got to the dining room I almost fell back. The room was buzzing. Girls talking, laughing, getting angry because their hair or makeup wasn't perfect. I looked at the royal family and it was commotion. Ahren was a nervous reck, The King and Queen trying to calm him down. Eadlyn, Kaden and Osten looked as if they were fighting, but when they let out playful chuckles and starting smiling I knew they were just pretending. I found Isabella and sat down beside her. "I'm so excited," we said in unison. "Like you two would ever make it," a voice said from behind us. I turned around to see Piper and Danielle snickering. "Good morning to you too," I replied. They rolled their eyes and turned around. Isabella and I did the same.

"Good morning ladies, may I please have your attention," Ahren announced. "Today I will be having one on one conversations with you all. Up first is Becca Chase." I let up a small sigh happy that I wasn't the first one to go up. "I kinda feel bad for her," Ilena said pointing to Becca. "I know she almost looks likes shes sweating," I joked. Ilena chuckled then went back to talking to a small group of selected. All there was lest to do now was wait for my turn.

When I was called up a wave of adrenaline went through me. Isabella told me good luck and Alexis gave me a wink. I walked up to the area where the Prince was sitting and curtsied. "Good morning your majesty," I told him. "Good morning too you Lady Kathleen," he replied. "Oh please, call me Kathleen," I said a little harsher then I meant to. He nodded looking confused. "Sorry that wasn't supposed to come out like that. I'm just not used to the title," I said embarrassed. He just laughed and said, "no worries". "How are you liking the palace so far Kathleen." "Oh it's wonderful," I gushed. "The food is amazing, the palace designs and architecture is breathe taking and it's all just... wow". He gave a light chuckle and smiled. "Well I'm glad you like it." "So Kathleen tell me a bit about yourself". "Well I come from a big family," I started. "There my eldest brother Caleb who's 21 and moved out a year and a half ago." I sound sad saying it, but he has already moved up two castes and some of the money he makes goes to us. "Then there's Kendall. She's 19 and she's a singer. Then me, I'm a dancer. Then my sister Kylie, she's 14 and she dances too". "She must be head over heels with my brother," he jokes. "You guessed it," I reply with a smile. "Is that all," he asked. "No," I replied. "After Kylie there's Carl he's 8 and getting a grip on painting," I explained. "There there's my Mom and dad. She sings and he paints. "What about your family," I asked. He talked about Eadlyn, Kaden, Osten and his parents until my meeting time was up. I stood up and curtsied. "It was a pleasure meeting you Kathleen," he said. "You too your majesty," I replied. "Please," he said. "Call me Ahren." We exchanged smiles then parted ways.

Breakfast was extraordinary! Rolls, strawberry tart, something with a lot of sugar. Better than every days plain toast or dry cereal. Throughout the meal I think I saw Ahren smiling at me. I had to tell myself to calm down, he probably did this to every girl he liked.

A/N: By the way if anyone wondered I took out the makeovers because I felt it wasn't needed. Hope you enjoyed!

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