Kiss and Tell?

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Chapter 9

"Did you kiss Alyssa?" I asked Ahren as we walked down the hall. He lowered his head and nodded. "Why does it concern you?" he asked. "No," I replied embarrassed. "Kathleen," He said his voice getting lower. "Nothing happened," I said. "Please tell me," he said softer than before. "It's just... Why Alyssa?" He paused for a moment and opened his mouth. "What's wrong with Alyssa?" "She's just kinda...well...mean. Like she was being mean to Delaney when Xila slapped her. She was also saying not so nice things about me." "Kathleen I thought you were better than making up stories about people," he said a bit harsh. "I'm not," I retorted. "You know what I think it would be better if you were to go back to your room." "What so your just going to let her do this," I said raising my voice. Then he lost it. "Kathleen you talk me like your the one and I'm the five. I am the Prince here and you are a guest in MY house. You can't talk to me like that. I will not let a person talk to me like that!" "First of all your mother was a five and second of all I know I'm a five!" I said falling back onto the bench behind me. "I know I'm a five who dosen't have heat when it's cold, sometimes starves, is poor, and surely dosen't belong in a palace!" I yelled tears streaming down my face. I pulled my knees to my head and slowly cried. "Is it really like that?" He asked his voice now soft. I slowly nodded. He sat down beside me and wrapped an arm around me. "Oh, Kathleen I'm so sorry, I-I really didn't know." He cupped cheek and lifted my tear-stained face out of my my knees. He looked into my eyes and brought his lips to mine. When he pulled away he wrapped his arms around me. "I'll make sure you never starve again," he whispered before pulling away. We might have fought and he might of kissed Alyssa, but it was all worth it.

I walked into the women's room in a state of happiness. "Someone was on a date," Alexis playfully said. "Did he kiss you?" Ilena asked full of curiosity. "No," I replied my voice shaky. "Oh my GOD, he kissed you!" Isabella shrieked running up to me. "How was it, is he good, what were you doing, tell us everything," Arden said. "Well um we were walking and talking and he pulled me over, stared into my eyes, and well...kissed me." Jealousy fleshed across Danielle, Piper, and especially Alyssa's faces. "Wow how pathetic the five had to make up stories about her and the prince," Alyssa said. "Wow, how far do you go to get attention Alyssa?" Isabella asked/told her. Everyone chucked and Alyssa's face turned red. "Tsk tsk tsk," Alyssa said before strutting out of the room. "Good heavens she's gone." We all laughed excluding Piper and Danielle. "Yikes," Emilia said before we all returned to our little 'groups'.

"Did you actually kiss him?" Angelica asked as we entered the dining room. "Yah," I answered a bit embarrassed. "Oh, wow," she said. "What?" I asked confused. "Well no offense, but your a five." "Oh." I walked away and found my seat. "Ladies tomorrow we will be taking some photos which will be featured in Illéan weekly. Due to the event you will be eating breakfast in your rooms, so your maids will have more time to get you ready," Ahren announced. "I'm so excited for the photos," Isabella said cheerfully. "I don't know, I'm a bit nervous," I replied. "Why?" "What if I mess up?" "I'm pretty sure there will be more than one taken," She said chuckling. I smiled and hit her playfully. I would definitely miss Isabella when we will split. I sighed and ate.

When I got back to my room I heard laughing from inside. I pressed my ear up to the door to get a better scoop. "You have to go the lady will be here soon," I heard Sophia say. "Okay okay I'll get out," a male voice said. "I love you." My mouth dropped open and my eyes got big. The door clicked open and a guard came out. "Have a good night my lady," he said. I was shocked, but I kept a smile. "Kathleen," she said her voice teetering. "Is something wrong?" I asked. "No no, I was just wondering where Charlotte and Rachel were." "Okay." She rang for them and in 2 minutes they were here. "Kathleen we are so sorry we did not keep track of the time," Rachel said. "It's okay ladies. Really," I replied. They gave me smiles and got to work. They finished up, left, and I instantly fell asleep.

A/N: OMG I loved this chapter!!! I really need a better ship name though😁anyway thank you do much for 154 views!!!
I know that's little and nobody actually likes this story, but I don't really care!Hope you enjoyed!

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