Lower and Lower

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Chapter 11

The days passed, I did my presentation and it went pretty well. I've earned my fair share if rude remarks, but I have also became friendly with Lyla, a three.

"You did very well on your presentation," Ahren states as we sit in the garden.

"Thanks," I reply.

We sit in awkward silence until guards come rushing towards us.

"Lady, your highness you must get into the palace now, the rebels are here."

Ahren grabs my arm and we run to the palace. We get into the safe room and everyone stares.

"Where were you?" The king asks as he paces the room.

"Calm down Maxon, he was on a date," the Queen tells him, rubbing his arm.

I look around and Alyssa's staring daggers at me, Cassie's hyperventilating, and Isabella is curled up in a ball, shivering. I immediately rushed to her side.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Y-yah," she stuttered.

I rubbed her back 'til she calmed down a bit.

I tried to keep myself entertained, but at one point I gave in and let myself watch Ahren. He went around to each girl and comforted them.

Chrassity, Jayden, Becca, a lot of girls. I didn't really care, but when he got to Alyssa I froze.

She wrapped her arms around him and fake sobbed.
"Oh Ahren, I was do scared," I heard her say/whine. I almost laughed.

"Shhhhh," he said, clearly a bit uncomfortable. "Your safe."

After a while I doze off for a few minutes, but wake up just as Ahren comes to by side.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks ever so casually.

"Yah, I now this sounds insane, but I barely feel scared."

"Well that's good. I'm sorry our date got cut short."

"It's okay, can I ask you a question?"

"Yah, anything." I am surprised by his informality, but I finally say what's on my mind.

"Is-is this attack... thenorthernorsouthrenrebels?" the words come out fast and all at once. I doubt he understands me.

"W-what do you mean," he lies.

"Which group of rebels are attacking?"

The rebels are a known thing, but the fact that there is two different groups, is not. My mom knows all about them. I don't know how or why, but she does. She said that there was the southern and northern rebels. When The king chose America to be queen the northern rebels stopped rebelling, but when the caste system wasn't taken away the unrest restarted.

"How do you know this?" He questions.

"My mom told me everything, I don't know how she knows."

"Oh well, is-is your mother a re-rebel?"

"No no I promise she's not."

"Okay well it's the north."

"Thanks," I say before he moved on too the next girl.

I fell asleep again just as we were let out of the safe room.

"I saw you having a great time with Ahren, that is before he walked away," Alyssa teased.

"What is this stereo typical high school," I said out loud instead of in my head.

"Oh you just wait Kathleen you'll be out before you can kiss him."

Already did, is all I thought. I walked away with a huff and Alyssa just laughed. I really didn't care for her and her insults right now.

I crawled into my bed and sleep immediately took me over. It was peaceful for a bit, but the a dream took over...

"Alyssa Cambers, will you marry me," Ahren said to Alyssa on our date.

"Yes of course," she gushed.

They kissed and I looked away.

"Sorry Kathleen, but you were a waste of my time. I love Alyssa and I will never, never, never..."

"Never want to have to to this again. Kathleen you were doing so well," Charlotte says referring to me sleeping in. I realize that I am now awake and this is real life.

"Ugghh," I groan.

They all just laugh and get to work. The thoughts of my dream are lodged into my head and as I think more about it the chances of me winning seen to get lower by the minute.

A/N: Sorry for not updating for a while. Not like anyone cares, my writing is pretty bad😂I just had writers block and these beginning chapters are so boring. I promise it will get more exciting. Also I now have over 325 views!!! I know it's not a lot, but it's a start. Hope you enjoyed!

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