Always the brave

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Chapter 18

Leora left. The two had no connection she told us before exiting the palace doors. 18 girls and me. Of course this could change. The Elite is bound to come at some point. It could be years, I remember the advisor telling me. It's barely been two months though. Only one and a half actually. The weather is starting to change in Kent, but here in Angeles it's all the same. No snow, cool winds, icicles. It's sun. It gets a bit chillier at night and it's not as warm, but it's mid September and still pretty warm. That doesn't stop some girls from wearing tiny dresses. On the other hand the cool breeze makes going outside beyond enjoyable. Even though I will miss snow, Angeles weather is nothing bad. Everything at home is all well. Everyone's healthy and even though it's fall (not a good business season) moneys okay because of the compensation. Most at the palace is smooth running. The incident with Danielle is now history and forgotten. Rumors of who the Elite will be are starting. There's polls, articles, and talk. Me being a five, the only one, I'm not on any of them. Apparently most of the rejected selected are almost all dating celebrities, even Danielle.

"Danielle got framed by that five," I hear. "She's so hopeless. Ahren will never choose her." Next I hear giggling. Maybe it wasn't totally forgotten. I know their talking about me. I don't know who, but the whispers from outside my room aren't that quiet. If I was braver I would walk out and confront them. But I'm not. Isabella would. Alyssa would. Even Kylie would. Not me though. I have no guts.

"You can't be a five without guts," I remember my mother telling me as a child. She's used it as her 'phrase' ever since. She is the strongest person I know. Her dad died when she was eight and her mother was barely sober after the incident. Her and her two brothers were practically left to fend for themselves at the ages of 8, 11, and 13. They did it though. Eventually their mom, my grandma returned, but by then they didn't need her. She told me how she cried. How she was hungry. She had so much happen to her, but there was one thing she was really longing for. Love.

"When I met your dad it was the best thing ever. We might not have been rich, but it didn't matter. We loved eachother."

It was their fairy tale. The one that happens in novels and movies. Two people with nothing suddenly have everything. Not luxury, but their own everything. Their one and only love.

• • • • •

Love. It's what I wanted. It's what a lot of people want. Not everyone. Some people don't for reasons that nobody know, because there's nobody that can. Because theres no love. I have my family who I love and love me, but I want a different type.

A boy.

Ahren, my subconscious buts in.

The thing I hate is she's always right. Especially about Ahren.

Ahren, the heir to the thrown that might just like me. Have I had this exact conversation in my mind? Probably. I don't even know anymore. This selection is really messing me up. I'm talking about love and all on my brain? Since when do I do that? Never...

Ring! Ring!

I panic. Rebels. Why is no guard coming in! I frantically jump out of my bed and throw on a robe. I throw myself out the door where I see a guard calmly stationed outside.

"Lady Dormer is there a problem?" He asks in a calm tone.

"What?" There's no rebels. I think for a second. That ringing though. I replay it in my mind. Your alarm clock stupid. Oh god. I look up embarrassed at the guard and say "never mind" as I escape to my room. Good going Kathleen.

• • • • •

"You really did that?" Lyla asks at breakfast laughing over the embarrassing incident of the morning.

"Yep," I say for the one thousandth time. They just keep laughing. "I have the most amazing life don't I."

"Why was the guards reaction?" Isabella asks still laughing uncontrollably.

"He was weirded out and probably a little creeped too."

Ilena gave little smiles, but was pretty silent. She is shy, but not with us. I was scared to ask her anything in fronting everyone so I let it slip and tried to cheer her up.

"I call a mandatory meeting in the women's room later," I say with my best Vivian impression. This makes everyone laugh.

Later we all go to our corner that we 'claimed' and sit down with magazines. We scope out things we've never really known of and learn about basically every celebrity possible. After we've gone through every magazine I decide to switch gears in a more serious note.

"Ilena are you okay, you've been awfully silent?" I ask. She ducks her head.

"It's okay you can tell us anything," Lyla say in a calming tone. Isabella nods and agrees.

"It's Ahren." Oh. "He barely goes on dates with me and if he does there beyond awkward. I just I don't want to be clingy or anything, but I really do like him."

"Don't worry Ilena of he really didn't like you, you would've be gone already."

"Yah I guess, but I just I'm never gonna be an Elite and I-I don't know I probably sound so pathetic right now."

"Your not pathetic Ilena your beautiful, smart and if the prince doesn't like you there is something wrong with him," Isabella said in her humorous ways, making Ilena giggle.

"But I do know who he likes," Lyla said raising we eyebrow to me. "He hangs out with this girl. A lot." Her smirk was undeniable. I gave her a goofy look and they all laughed. "She had brown hair, brown eyes, a weird nose-"

"Hey!" I accuse. "My nose is perfectly normal."

"You know now the I think about it why does the prince like you?" She says jokingly.

"I'm just likable like that."

• • • • •

I watch carefully as my maids put my hair into an elaborate bun. They leave strays at the front and add diamond tipped pins.

"Voila," Delilah says. From instinct I tuned off and missed how they did the design, but I was still amazed.

"Six's," I hear in my head. "If they can have all this talent so can you." I placed the voice with my mothers and smiled. She never lacked encouragement. Alway in my mind, I said to myself as if she could hear me. I wish she could, I really do.

A/N: Oh my gosh! I'm so close to 900 views! Not too far from 1k!! I just can't believe it! I remember when I was so surprised I had 100! But now, 883! Thank you to anyone who's ever read my story😂Thanks for read and hope you enjoyed!!

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