99 problems and Sophia's one

414 13 1

Chapter 15

As I walk I take more wrong turns and haven't even found a stair case. I go hallway through hallway until I take a turn that leads me to a tall, dirty brunette figure. Sophia.

"You... Ughh, I can't believe you ratted me out!" Sophia shouts.

"Sophia I promise I didn't do anything, I-"

"Oh save it! I might be a maid, a six, but I'm not stupid! Your disgusting! Maybe you think your oh-so-special because your selected, but low enough to do what you did! Horrible!" She shouts more and more hurtful things at me and u just stand there.

"Sophia, please I never ratted you out, I would never do something like that. Your such a nice, kind, funny person, why would I do that?"
Emotion crosses over her face for two seconds, buts slowly replaced by more hot anger.

"Your. An. Embarrassment," is all she says before walking away.

Why do I feel so guilty? The Sophia I know is now gone. What are they doing to her? In a way it was me that ruined her chance at love. If I wasn't in the selection she could possibly love the guard, Brent somewhere else. Or with a different girl. I need to talk to Ahren about this. She can't be kept like this. She deserves so much better.

While my maids prepped me for the report thoughts of Sophia were in my mind. Should I tell my maids? Maybe just Charlotte and Rachel. They do deserve to know. They were closer with Sophia then anyone in this palace. The problem was Delilah. As sweet as she is tho isn't something I want to be advertising. How do I get Charlotte and Rachel alone?

Within an hour I had full makeup done, perfect hair, and a dark green gown with black lace accents. I was finally able to wear heels again, which I wasn't too happy about. I thanked the ladies and stepped out of my room instantly falling against the closed door as two people zipped past me. Rebels, is all I thought. Just then they came back the other way crashing into me.

"Ow," I yelped. The two princes looked me in the eye.

"Well hello there," Prince Osten said trying to look..cool?

"Um..hi." What do you say to a 10 year old trying to flirt with you.

"Osten leave her alone," Kaden said to his brother. Osten grumbled and got up from the floor, going back to chasing his brother. What just happend?

I join Lyla and Ilena in the seats reserved for the selected. We are shortly followed by Isabella and Alexis.

"Hey Alexis," I call out happy to see her. She walks right past us and goes to Becca and Chrassity.

"What's gotten into her?" Lyla asks.

"Poisoning of castes," I joke making my friends laugh. "But like seriously."

The report was boring, as usual. Talking about statistics and what's going on. I just sat and pretended to listen, sneaking little comments to Ilena about how boring this is. When it was over I stopped Ahren in the hallway.

"Kathleen what's wrong."

"It's Sophia. My old maid. I gound her in the hallway, or she found me and she looked dirty and bad. Sick almost." He didn't say anything. "Could you possibly give her a small job, she really needs it."

"I will look into it, but where was she?"

"In the halls, first floor. And she was angry."

"Well I will try my best. Thank you for bringing it to my attention." I smiled and curtsied, then went back to my room. Next was my maids. They were already in my room cleaning. Here it goes.

"Delilah it okay if I excuse you for a second, I need to talk personal matters to Charlotte and Rachel about my old maid." She scurries out and I thank her.

"What is it Kathleen, is something wrong."

"No no, I just wanted to tell you, privately that I saw Sophia in the halls. She was dirty and mad. She screamed at me saying I was the one who ratted her out. She also looked sick. I told Ahren though, he said he would get to help." They look taken back. They just nod and get back to work. I let Delilah in and the night routine continues.

My maids aren't the same. Even Delilah. They are quiet and nervous. Almost scared. What have I done? Throughout breakfast Ahren looks worried too. 18 other girls sit around the table and they look different. Nothing is the same. Why?

Lyla, Ilena, Isabella, and I sit on the garden, spying on Ahren and Alexis. They seem almost awkward together. They talk and talk, but at one point he kisses her. On the lips. The fur of us fall back in surprise and grossness.

"Why her?" Ilena questions. "Out of all 20 girls?"

"Like I'm a lot more attractive," Lyla jokes.

"But you gotta be good with the men, like me," Isabella kids back. We all laugh loud and Alexis and Ahren's eyes fall on us. Luckily we crawl out of the way I time, but they start searching. So much for my white dress. We finally make our way back into the palace and burst into a laughing fit.

"She. Just. Was. We...hahaha," are the words I make out. "Oh my god." We finally stop and our stomachs hurt. "Let's just pray we don't get caught."

• • • • • •

As we sat through yet another lesson with Vivian my thought pondered from Sophia to Ahren and whens dinner. I was hungry.

"What do you think was the cause Lady Kathleen?"

"Huh." I snapped back to reality a bit too fast. Vivian gave me a disapproving look, but Lyla and Isabella hid small smiles. I shot them looks that told them to stop. They both raised their hands in mock innocence.

"I think it was the position we were all in and how we reacted," Alyssa says while I'm still clueless.

After more boring decisions we are finally dismissed and I silently "yes!" in my brain.

As I opened the door to my room I saw right in front of me a bloody Charlotte, a crying Rachel, and a screaming Delilah.

A/N: OMG!!! Thank you all so much for 635!! I thought I would never even make it too 400, but only 465 away from 1k; woohoo! Even though that's a lot. Any way sorry for taking so long to update, but I guess the view count motivated me. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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