Authors Note

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Reasons regarding why I have not been updating.

For anyone wondering why this story hasn't been updated in so long the chapter is finished. Here are the reason's.

1. When I was still writing the chapter (like three weeks ago) I didn't know how to end it. I was stuck on whether I should continue or if it was even good. I had writers block and nothing was coming to y brain. I re-did it practically three times.

2. Wattpad isn't allowing me too. Every time I try it doesn't process. I have tried on several computers (not all mine), my phone, and my friends iPod. It loads and shows its being published, but when I click on it, it's still a draft. I have logged off and on, deleted the story part entirely (it was on copy and paste), but nothing has worked. Any ideas?

3. I have been very busy. This isn't just for chapter 25. It's for updating in gereral. My other fanfiction which is a collection of Mexerica one-shots get updated regularly. but those only take 10 minutes to get written. It does take me a while to write chapters as this story is a lot harder than my other one (A Love Like Theirs).

Thank you for sticking around and I will try to get the chapter up as soon as possible!

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