"Please don't do anything. It's not worth your death." I said into her hair. Ura sighed and let go of my arms.

"I won't." She breathed out and I let go over her shoulders. She turned around and looked up at me, giving me a small smile.

"But if he does anything else, you can't stop me." She said and I inwardly laughed.

"I will still try to, but thanks anyway."

"You wanna walk together?" Ura asked and I nodded. We started to walk down the front path of the school and out onto the sidewalk. Ura dug her hand into her pocket and pulled out a pack of gum balls. She held them out to me and smiled.

"Want one? Gum always makes me feel better when I'm sad." She offered and I could only smile and nod. I held out my hand and she shook one into my hand, and did it for herself too. We both popped them into our mouths and started to have a conversation about our favourite flavours of candy. I found out she pretty much likes anything strawberry flavoured and I told her I really liked mango and cherry flavoured candy.

"Oh yeah, I hate orange flavoured things, but I love orange juice and just plain oranges. I don't know why though." I started to question my taste buds and she laughed.

"I can see where you're coming from, I understand what you mean." She laughed and I realized that we now where starting to turn in different directions. I stopped walking and turned to look at her fully. I pointed behind me and smiled slightly.

"Well, I go this way." I said and Ura nodded.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow?" Ura said and I nodded, I gave her a hug before we parted ways. We both waved until we decided to actually turn around and leave to our respective houses. I soon walked up to the door of Aunties house and lightly knocked before opening the door. I quietly walked in and took off my shoes.

Placing them on the rack, I looked around to see if anyone was there. I sighed when I saw Katsuki's shoes pushed beside the rack and closet door left open. I reached over and closed it before making my way up stairs. I noticed the bathroom door shut and heard water running. I walked to his room and found that my bags weren't there. It was then did I notice a note at the end of his bed. I walked over to it and picked it up.

I came home at lunch to change your bandages but forgot you were at school, since I had the time I cleaned the guestroom and moved your things. I made sure to give you the fluffiest blanket and softest pillows. Love you! - Auntie M

I smiled at the note and walked down the hall. I heard the water turn off and I quickly ran to the room and shut the door as quietly as I could. I slide down the door and let my bag fall to the floor. I didn't bother to turn on the lights as I heard the bathroom door open. Katsuki stomped into his room and slammed the door shut, I heard drawers open and close and I decided to get up and turn on the light.

I flicked the slight switch on and looked around. The room was much nicer and more open when it was clean. I also noticed a small cubby of sorts that I could put my clothes in. I grabbed my other bag and started emptying the contents into the little spots and backed up when I was done. I nodded at my work and grabbed my charger to plug it in beside the bedside table. When I went to plug it in, something sparked inside and the lights went off, which caused me to scream and stumble back.

I tripped over my school bag and hit my forehead on the side of the bed frame. I quickly grabbed my head and rocked back and forth, the tears just flowing out since I had already cried today. I heard the door slam open and saw a small light trail over to me.

"Shit, are you okay?" I heard Katsuki's voice call out to me and I looked up at him to see a concerned face. Seeing him act all concerned after he was ignoring me just made the tears grow bigger. He calmly knelt down in front of me and pulled my hands off my head. He pushed my bangs out of my face and shook his head. He then gently grabbed my arm and lifted me up, directing me to the bathroom where he reached under my arms and lifted me onto the counter.

Shoto's Twin SisterWhere stories live. Discover now