Chapter 44

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A/N. Let's all pretend that whatever music I make Eimi sing/make is all hers, okay? I give full credit to all the amazing artists who rightfully own these songs but I want Eimi to use them because it can help to explain her character a bit more and her insight on things that happen to her. Hope you enjoy the songs I choose for Eimi to sing! And sorry for the long-ass wait for this chapter, I kinda fell into a deep hole of the scenarios book I have started, so go please check it out if you want fun little chapters and maybe characters pasts!

Eimi's POV

It was the night before we were to leave for the summer training camp and I was sitting in Kami's room. Auntie said that I should clean up the house a bit for when Gramma and Kami were to get back as to surprise them. The last room to clean up was Kami's, which led to why I was sitting in his room.

"I finished a little earlier than I expected." I mumbled as I looked around at Kami's room. I dusted the keyboard piano as well as the guitars, other than that there wasn't much to do in here. Luckily I brought my notebook with me in case I had some time to work on my music.

I pulled out my notebook and flipped to the last page I was working on. I read the words I had written down earlier in the week and I was pretty happy with them, all I needed to do was work on the music part. Like I said earlier, this song that I've written so far seems like it would match well with piano, so that's what I'm going to do.

I looked down at the keyboard in front of me and turned it on. I let my hands trail over the keys and I shut my eyes. I let the flow of the moment take over me and found my fingers pressing keys in a nice mellow manner. I played the beginning a bit before I started singing the words I wrote down.

"There was a time when I was alone, nowhere to go, and no place to call home..."

After I sang all the words and wrote down the keys that I used, I decided I would actually use the artist account that Kami and I made for me when I was younger. Music was one of the only things that kept me going throughout my childhood and through middle school. We made the account so that I could listen to all sorts of music via the app, but we never actually made anything. Well, that was until I started getting interested in the art of making music when I was in the 5th grade.

Kami taught me how to play guitar as well as the piano, which led to us making all sorts of goofy songs together. Though we never did record them and put them out to the world. I opened my phone and quickly checked to see if I still had the app. I smiled when I found it and quickly opened the app to see all the music I listened to and still do. (A/N. Let's pretend you don't have to pay like 2000 dollars to put music onto Spotify and whatever other music platforms people use, and no. We ain't using fucking Soundcloud, that shit dumb.)

Kami's room was well insulated by all the foam boards he had on his walls so it was a pretty good recording studio. We had a pretty good mic and everything in here. Like boom arms, headphones, a desktop computer with editing software and so much more. I hooked up the keyboard to the computer and pressed record on it before I carefully played the chords. After that was done, I replayed it over on the computer to make sure it sounded good before I began to record the lyrics.

I made sure everything around me was set up and that the microphone was on and connected to the headphones. I pressed record and quickly put the headphones on. I then clicked play on the piano recording and waited for my place to come in. I took a deep breath and started to sing.

I took the headphones off and sighed before sitting down at the computer. I listened to the recording and tweaked what needed to be tweaked, like slowing down the piano or re-singing some parts that sounded bad before I saved and downloaded the song. I titled it 'Lost Boy' and downloaded it to Spotify and other music apps.

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