Chapter 19

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Shoto's POV

As both me and Midoriya walked to the top of the fighting area he started to speak up.

"I can't lose this, either. I owe it to everyone who's supported me to try my best. I will beat you."

I couldn't help but remember Eimi's face when she told off our father earlier. The same look was on Midoriya's face when he said that, determination. Determination that he was going to win this match. But I wasn't going to let him. I need to prove to my old man that I can win this festival without his stupid quirk. (A/N now that's not gonna happen now is it Shoto? hehe)

"It's the first match of the second round! These two heroes in training have both been front runners in the sports festival!" Present Mic called out while introducing us once again.

"It's Midoriya! Versus, Todoroki!"

I can't allow him to use that power of his too much. 

"But which of these rivals will advance to the next round?! Let's find out, begin!"

Right at the start..

I shot out some ice towards Midoriya while he held out his finger and yelled smash. Right at that moment, my ice shattered in the chunks, leaving Midoriya unscathed. The wind from that attack was so strong it could have pushed me out of bounds, if it wasn't for the ice barrier that I made behind me. 

When the wind died down and I was able to look back at him, I saw his finger was broken.

Just as I expected. He's prepared to injure himself to counter me.

"Wow! Midoriya managed to break Todoroki's insane opening move!" Present Mic called out.

Before Midoriya could direct an attack to me, I blasted some more ice his way, but before it could reach him, he countered it again with his explosive quirk.

"He countered again!" Present Mic called out again.

He stood there looking at his fingers as I got impatient from waiting.

"Let's continue." (A/N "now im mad, my old man is a scumbag, you want my fire, I'll end this quickly, become the hero he wanted you to be!" Sorry couldn't help myself, nOw BaCk To ThE fIgHt) I said while a puff of frost left my mouth while I directed another ice attack his way. I put my arms up to cover my face as he stopped my ice attack once again.

"You want an endurance match. But I'll end this quickly." I said while my ice blocked my eye of sight when quickly making its way towards where Midoriya stood.

I activated my quirk and made a ramp and started running on it to gain a higher position so I could end the match sooner. I heard him yell no, as he broke my ramp. But too bad for him cause I jumped at the last second and landed down with a punch, creating ice as my fist hit the ground.

He flew away but I acted quick and shot ice towards him so I could trap him, making him unable to battle. But as my ice reached his foot he powered his quirk in his whole arm and broke the ice surrounding him. This attack blew through my ice barrier and made me fly back so I had to make another one to stay in the area. Luckily, it caught me.

"That was much more powerful than any of your previous attacks." I said while pushing some of my ice out of my way while I stood back up. "You're trying to keep me away. Smart."

He looked at me terrified as I blew out some frost while my hair covered my left eye.

"What's the matter? Are you really that worn out from defending against my attacks?" I questioned as he continued to just stand there. He looked down as in thought as I decided to thank him.

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