Chapter 8

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Eimi's POV

Shoto and I quickly ran over to where the main battle was at. Right when we got there I saw Bakugo jump out and punch the warp guy.

"Get outta my way Deku!" He yelled as he pined the guy on the ground. I then felt a blast of cold air run by and soon saw ice trail down to where All Might was. It froze the big monster holding him. I then made a ring of fire to trap the guy covered in hands.

"One of your poorly trained thugs told us you're here because you think you can kill All Might." Shoto said as All Might broke free from the monster grasp. Once he jumped back he held his side.

"Are you okay?" I hear Deku say and I look over to see him. 

"Deku! I didn't even see you here!" I called out and he looked over at me surprised. He then saw my fire and freaked out.

"FIRE!" He yelled.

"Relax, its just mine!" I called out. He stood there for a second before saying something again.

"But I thought your quirk wa-" I cut him off my running over to him and covering his mouth with my hand. I whispered.

"Shhhh, you can't say anything, got it? Or I'll freeze you in a closet."

He frantically nodded his head and I pulled my hand from his mouth.

"Good!" I said happily and ran back to where Shoto was.

"The Symbol of Peace will not be defeated by delinquents like you." Shoto said with a straight face as I came up to him.

"Kacchan! Everyone!" Deku called out and wiped his eyes. Was he crying? Just then my fire wall broke off and revealed the man covered in hands. We all looked at him waiting for his next move.

"Kurogiri. How could you let this brat get the best of you? You've gotten us into a real jam here." He said.

"Heh. You got careless, you dumb villain. It wasn't hard to figure you out." Bakugo said to who I think was Kurogiri. "Only certain parts of you turn into that smoking warp gate. You use that mist to hide your actual body, as a kind of distraction. Thinking that made you safe! That's why we missed."

I remember Bakugo and Kirishima launching into battle with the guy earlier.

"But if you didn't have a body, you wouldn't be wearing this neck armor, right? You're not immune to physical attacks if they're well aimed." Bakugo continued. The guy tried to move but he got some blast to the neck by Bakugo's explosions.

"Don't move! You try anything funny, and I'll blow your ass up right now, you got it? They'll be cleanin' you up for weeks."

"Oh, that doesn't sound very heroic." Kirishima commented on Bakugo's threat to the villain.

The hand guy mumbled something and then the monster thing started to move. It came out from the portal and broke Shoto's ice. Shoto and I stepped back terrified of what this monster could do. 

"How is that thing still moving?" I asked while stepping back.

"It's all messed up." Deku added. Shoto stood there shocked out of his mind that something could break his ice like that. I was too, but I know things were strong enough to break my ice, so it must be the same for him right? 

"Stay back everybody!" All Might called to us as the monster started to grow back it's arm and leg because they fell off with Shoto's ice.

"What is this? I thought you said his power was shock absorption." All Might said a bit flustered but not actually show it.

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