Chapter 7

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Eimi's POV

We were all sitting in our desks the next day as we listened to Mr. Aizawa tell us what we were going to to day.

"Today's training will be a little different. You'll have three instructors. Me, All Might, and another faculty member will be keeping tabs on you."

Everyone gasped as Mr. Aizawa explained what we'd be doing. Turns out we were going to be dealing with natural disasters and rescuing people. Everyone started talking about how cool this was going to be and Mr. Aizawa spoke up.

"Guys, I'm not finished yet. What you wear in this exercise is up to you. I know you're excited about costumes..." He pressed a button on a remote and  the wall with all the costumes moved bringing them out again.

"But keep in mind that you haven't gotten used to them yet, and they might limit your abilities. This special training's at an off-campus facility, so we'll be taking a bus to get there. That's all. Start getting ready." And with that he left the room and everyone started talking again. Well everyone but Shoto. He just sat there quietly to himself.

Once we were all outside I noticed Shoto sitting on a bench by himself. So I went over to sit beside him.

"Hey Shoto, why the long face?" I asked and he looked up at me. 

"Just tired."

"Okay, well I hope we all do good!" I said excitedly. Then Tenya blew a whistle getting everyone's attention.

"Gather around. Class 1-A! Using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently." He said and then blew his whistle again. I heard Deku talking to Ura.

"Iida's kicking it into high gear as our class rep, huh?"

Ura nodded and we all got onto the bus. I laughed once I saw the inside and Tenya basically melted. 

"The bus's open layout ruined my boarding strategy." He moped around in his seat. We still sat beside the people who had the next student number by us. And I was sitting beside Shoto who had no emotion on his face at all. His eye's were closed to I decided to poke his cheek. He freaked out a bit and looked at me.

"You're always so stoic Shoto! Lighten up a bit!" I laughed and he rolled his eyes.

Before we knew it we were at the place where we'd be training for the day.

"Hello everyone, I've been waiting for you!" A person in what seemed to be an astronaut suit called to us once we got out of the bus. Everyone gasped and Deku called out.

"It's the Space Hero. Thirteen! The chivalrous pro who's rescued a ton of people from disasters across the world!"

"Woo-hoo! Thirteen is one of my favorite heroes!" Ura called out. I stood there kinda oblivious to what was happening because I didn't even know who she was. I guess being stuck in the house for most of your life will do that huh?

"I can't wait to show you what's inside!" She said as she moved her arm to her side wanting to show us the building. Everyone but me and Shoto called out.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

Everyone walked into the building and our eyes went wide. Or well, I know mine did.

"Holy crap!" I said along with Kirishima. 

"It looks like some kind of amusement park!"

"A shipwreck. A landslide. A fire. A windstorm. etc! I created this training facility to prepare you to deal with different types of disasters." Thirteen called out.

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