Chapter 17

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Eimi's POV

I pulled Shoto up the stairs as I sent a heat wave towards the ice that held our father captive.

"Uh" I heard Shoto quietly say. "What was that." He said louder.

I stop walking up the stairs and turned to face him. I, being the same height as him due to me being a couple steps higher than him, I sighed a little stressed.

"The ice or?" 


"Oh, that." I said sadly. Shoto looked around and then sat down on the stairs. He motioned for me to sit with him and I stepped down the couple stairs and went to sit beside him, but before I could sit down on my own accord, he pulled me into a tight hug. My head rested in the crook of his neck and I heard him sigh. I tried to look up at him but failed.

"Shoto?" I called out, a little quieter than I wanted. Before I could get the chance to ask him again he responded, but not in the way I thought he would. He started to shake a little bit before saying something very quietly.

"How'd you do that?" He asked, a slight waver to his voice. My eyes opened wide at the sound of his voice. I tried to move again to get a better position in order to see his face better but he held me tighter.

"Shoto I-" I started but he cut me off by squeezing me harder. "Ack!"

Suddenly his grasp was much lighter and I could feel like air come back to my lungs. He let me sit down beside him properly before putting his head down and moving his hands up to rub his eyes.

"Sorry." He said before I heard a little sniffle. If this wasn't such a emotional time right now I would pinch his checks because that was the cutest thing he has ever done. Shaking my head of my fangirling thoughts I then leaned down a bit to get a better look at Shoto's face. He was still rubbing his eyes a bit when I cleared my throat a little.

"Hey," I said in a soft, calm voice. He turned his head a little to look at me and I could see the red around his eyes. I pulled him into a warm embrace letting his head rest on my chest and I rubbed my hand in small circles on his back. (A/N. His head is resting on the top part of her chest, like above the boobs a bit, you know how those kind of hugs work. His head isn't directly in her boobs! AHHHHH THIS IS NOT SEXUAL)

"It's okay to cry, I'm here okay?" I said softly and Shoto nodded his head a bit before I felt his arms wrap around my back, adding to the hug we were having. I continued to rub my hand in small circles while I talked.

"Since I never really met our father before this time, I had no connection to him, so I felt like I could say anything to him and not be scared. I didn't know what I was going to say until it just came out either, I don't care for his attitude towards you, or anyone for that matter, so I had to do something. I don't think that something was very strong or impacted him in any way, but I wanted him to know how I felt. It may have not been everything I wanted to say to him, but at the time I did, it was all that was needed to be said."

Shoto hugged my back tighter while he nuzzled his head into me more and I smiled. He's probably not used to hugs or affection considering our father his cold and mother is in the hospital. Though I don't know about my other siblings. I stopped rubbing his back and I heard a little whine come from his mouth which caused me to giggle a bit. I pulled his head up and held his cheeks in the palm of my hands. He looked me in the eyes while I rubbed my thumb over his cheek to rid of the small stream of tears that started to form.

"You don't have to be afraid of him anymore because I'm here for you now." I said while planting a small kiss to his forehead. I smiled sweetly at him and helped him sit properly before getting up and brushing my gym uniform a bit.

Shoto's Twin SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora