Chapter 4

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Eimi's POV

"I'm afraid you can't tell him dear."

I looked up at my grandma with wide eyes.

"But why not?" I asked wiping some snot from my nose on my sleeve. My grandma turned me to face her better and put her hand on my shoulder.

"Now that you know, and that Shoto is in your class its all the more reason not to say anything. Has he seen you use your quirk?"

"Only my fire side I think."

"Keep it that way, and from now on wear your contacts to school as well."

I was about to speak up when she interrupted me again.

"We have to try to keep this away from him. Now that you know about your father you must."

I only nodded my head and my grandma stood up. She walked to the door and grabbed the handle about to shut it. But right before she did she wished me a goodnight.

"You too. Goodnight." I said while she shut the door. I looked out my window and closed my eyes. 

"I'll be seeing him tomorrow. But I can't say anything." And with that I went to sleep, ready for my next day at school.

*The next morning*

As I woke up, I looked at my alarm clock. Since it didn't go off but yet I was awake.

"5:30!" I yelled and fell out of my bed. "5:30...IN THE MORNING!?"

I sat on the floor and pondered why I was up so early. I guess it was from yesterday huh? I looked out my window at the dark, early morning sky and sighed. Groaning I got up and decided to get ready. I pulled myself up and was about to open my closet when I gasped.

"Oh my gosh!" I covered my mouth with my hands and tired tears started to come from my eyes. "I can have a long hot shower." I quickly ran into my bathroom and stripped. I jumped and turned on the water. One of my favourite parts of long hot showers is what makes it long. So I sat down and let the water run down my back as I put my head on my knees. I sat there for what seemed like forever until I realized something. Maybe I shouldn't have taken a long hot shower today.

I wiped my eyes and nose. I was crying. I really need to stop thinking don't I? I quickly washed myself and got out. I grabbed my towel and looked in the mirror. My long red and white hair perfectly separated down the middle somehow. My bangs were almost to long for what I like. I'm going to have to get them cut soon. (btw her bangs are like Shoto's but has the longer hair part like Tsu's)

I dried my hair to the best of my abilities with my towel then moved on to using the blow drier. Once dry, I brushed my hair to perfection and let it fall onto my shoulders. I went into my room and got my school uniform on, just as I was about to leave my room something caught my eye.

"Right. Wig." I grabbed my wig and went back into my bathroom. I carefully bundled up my hair and placed the wig on my head. I did have to admit, I looked good with short hair. But I could never cut my real hair, I just.. I keep it long because of mom. She said that when I was little she would always have to much fun playing with it and giving me cute hairstyles, so I keep it long. So when I visit her, she's able to play with it. It makes me happy to see her happy. After all being stuck in a mental hospital sucks.

I nodded when I made the wig look perfect and walked downstairs. I made some breakfast and sat down at the table. I placed my dishes in the sink once I was done and went back upstairs to pass the time before school. I had about an hour before I had to leave so I sat down on my bed and pulled out my drawing pad. I grabbed a pencil and flipped to a new page. I tapped my pencil on my chin before an idea struck my mind. I quickly started making a rough draft of the picture.

Shoto's Twin SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora