'Calm down Hunter.... Ask her later when she regain consciousness right now let her rest.' he said

End of Hunter Chase POV

Lily Smith POV

Seeing my sister covered in wounds scares me... It just the two us, our parents are already long dead. They were killed by rogues, I can't lose her too.

Where in the pack hospital and she's being check by the Hunters mother... I'm inside the room with Luke, they told us to go out but we insisted to remain here... good thing they let us.

I look at my sisters body again, she have long cuts in her arms; its like her flesh had been cut up. Her shoulder, legs and stomach is wounded too pretty deep. She have scratches in her face and her right is now wrap up with bandage, It was covered in blood when I saw it.

'Is she going to be okay?' I ask when Hunters mom is already done.

'Yes... she's going to be okay, but her wound will recover slow since its looks like they use silver in cutting her up.' she said

'Thats good...I'm glad to hear that.' I heard Luke said who sat beside Lalaine bed, he sighed in relief. I understand what his feeling right now...but what she said next made me sink in sadness

'She's going to survive this but I'm sorry to tell you this but she lost her right eye.' she added 'It looks like it was taken out from her eye socket.'

It was like a tons of brick had fallen in the top of my head in what she said... 'T-they took h-her eye...?' I said in almost a whisper voice. I saw Luke shaking....

I walk outside the room and saw Hunter near the room... He must be waiting for my sister to wake up to ask for Summer. Since the two of them were both missing at the same day.

I'm worried too about her.

When I think about it.... People around me always ask why I like Summer and why I always act like a crazy girl who's obsess. Before I and everyone knew that she's Hunters mate and a pureblood I've always find her interesting, she always get bully verbally but she doesn't cry or get offended at all. If someone tries to bully her physically they always fail, I don't know if Summer know that but I think she just thought she's being bullied verbally but their are times they physically try but miserably fails.

Reason why I got interested of her is because of a one time encounter with her which I doubt she remember. She's didn't save or was nice to me or anything, everyone around me treat me different since I accelerated a couple of grades so they either treat me as a kid or a nerd for being smart but a frank type.

It was that time when a bunch of kids, the same age as me talks to me... like how I'm looking down on them just because I'm smart and accelerated, Summer happened to be their. 'Envying and treating someone differently just because they are better than you is sure is ugly.' she said when she pass by us. Everyone heard it and I did too. The kids called out on her but she didn't look back. 'WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE...YOU'RE JUST A HUMAN!' one of the kids said and the other agreed too.

'So?' she said and maid a tching sound and said in a very non chalant way 'So what if she's smart? Kids will always be kid and they sure are annoying.'

That's were I started getting interested at her and when I learned that she's Hunters mate I decided to approach her.

I approached Hunter and told him that Lalaine is still asleep and just nods at me, he's in deep thoughts so I didn't bother him and walk outside.




After three hours I ran inside the room where my sister is since she just woke up, Hunters mom came in and check her... 'H-help....h....er...' she said in a very faint voice that I can't understand her at all.

'Don't talk, you should rest first.' Hunters mom said but she keep talking...

'Call Hunter...Summer.....save her.' she said I immidiately mind link him and after a few minutes Hunter came.

'Is she awake?' he ask and we nod at him.

'Lalaine...Where is she? Is she with you?' he ask in his frantic voice.

'Lalaine talk slowly...don't rush yourself okay..?' Luke said and squeez my sisters hand.




'A group of Huntsmen who called themselves Jager took us...They said they want Summer, they took us and brought us to a place where they experiment different kind of creatures. If I wasn't their Summer should have been safe but she tried to protect since.............. I'm weak so we got taken.' she said in the verge of tears, her voice is still weak but it's understandable.

'Where is she? Is she safe?' Hunter ask

Lalaine look away then said 'When we were taken to that place I think it wasn't their real destination but they still brought us their.. they're having a argument, the huntsmen. But we heard their leader said that they have to stop there and bring us to someone just to study Summer for a little while and have a look at her, they brought me too and did this to me...' she said refering to herself.

'I don't know how but Summer manage to have us escaped in that place but not too long before another group of Huntsmen came.... We were supposed to escape but something went wrong...' she pause as if remembering something very important. 'Summer, she started acting strange.... she made me escape first and told me to go back here and that she'll follow, I run and run until I arrive here...' she finishes.

So... She's taken again and failed to escape. Those Huntsmen must be strong to take a pureblood down with them.

'Do you remember the place? The place where you were taken?' I ask

She shook her head... 'I'm sorry but I don't how I find my way here I was so scared and panicking at that time... but I know what the place look like----.' she said not finshing her sentence since she pass out again.

The three of us stayed in the room to wait for her to wake up again, I switch the TV to watch some news.... The news doesn't interest me so I was about to change channel when suddenly it change into a breaking news. It says on the screen -Massacred Scientist-

In the video it shows a place where it looks like a hospital... their were dead bodies everywhere which is censored because of gruesome.

'Column Medicinal Laboratory's scientist was reported to be massacred last night,' the reporter said in the TV.... Luke and Hunters attention was caught up to in the news 'Ton's of bodies were cut up limb by limb.... SP Police says they don't know what or who did this but they'll give answers when they have it.' the reported said and says more.

'T-that place...' I heard Lalaine said and I look at her... 'Hmm?' I ask

'That's the place where we were taken.'



What do you think happen to Summer? For sure you guys have an idea already but I leave it up to your imagination. HEHEHE



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