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'Text' - you thinking

'Text' - you writing/talking

'Text' - shadow talking


"Hey! Wake up! You're going to see both of the monsters you have already met!" The guard yelled. 'See in this hell of a place I can never get enough sleep.' I thought as I changed into my new clothes for the day. I walked over to the door so I could knock on it. As we were walking to Ranboo's cell I was 'talking' with shadow.


So what?

I don't know

What are you talking about?

I was thinking. What if they find out.

....I-i don't know. We'll probably be locked up in here I guess.

Well then we can't let them find out

That's why I have been telling you to stop talking

But I like to talk

I know you do, but I also know you don't want to be locked up in here

Hey look! We are at Ranboo's cell!

I looked up to see that shadow was right. We are at Ranboo's cell. A small smile appeared on my face form the memorie of the male.

The guard opened the cell and I walked into the cell to see Ranboo in the same place as before. I walked over to him and tapped on the shoulder. He seemed to jump a little, but calmed down a little when he saw me. He smiled, and waved at me. I gave him a warm smile in return.

I sat next to him and we talked- well more like he talked and I wrote, but it was still fun to hang out with him. We talked for a good hour until I saw the guard coming to the door, but Ranboo didn't seem to notice. I lightly tapped Ranboo on his shoulder. He turned to look at me, and gave me a questioning look. I pointed at the door were the guard was by the door.

"Why can't you stay. I can protect you" when he said that it sounded like he was begging for me to stay. 

'I'm sorry. I can't stay. I have to go now' I showed him the paper. He nodded in understanding. I hugged Ranboo one more time before I went over to the guard that was now standing in the doorway. While walking to maga's cell I saw all of the thing I didn't notice before, like how much starchs there were on the walls, how all the guards look the same, on some of the walls their were burn marks, and blood. The blood was from eathir the gaurds or the monsters that they test on.

Your mean like you

Oh shut up and leave me alone

But I have nothing better to do

That's not my problem

How! This is your head!


I can't do anything

Well... that's on you


Hey look we're at Magas cell

I just ignored her question, and kept walking until we got to Magas cell. Once again I got pushed into the room. What is up with you and pushing me! GOD. After I calmed down a little I looked around the room to find Maga on his bed that look really old. I gave him a small wave and the best warm smile I can give right now, because I am really tired.

He seemed to see that I was being less of.....myself- I guess, so he decided to ask 'are you ok.' I just gave him a smile and ndded, but i lied. To be honest I was not ok, I have not been getting ANY sleep. I was way to worried to get any sleep. I was to busy being worried about being chought, and tested on. I have been tested on enough times in my life time. Whitch has been my whole life.

I had only been free for 5 days before I got capurd by the police or who ever these people are. I don't even know how long I have been in this fucking place. This place don't have any windows, like how am I suppose to know. The time with Maga was pretty short, and quit but a nice kind of quit. 

The guard came to get me, and as we walked to the next monsters cell. The guard told me that I was going to be staying with "it" as he likes to call him for 48 hours. When we got to the cell I was again pushed in the cell but this time I didn't fall. Heard the door to the cell shut loudly.

While looking around the room I felt how warm the room was. I started to feel the sweat on my face, and my hair sticking to my face. I didn't see anyone in front of me, so I turned around, and


 I saw the hottest thing ever....

I rushed to get my notepad out of my pocket while he kept yelling at me

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I rushed to get my notepad out of my pocket while he kept yelling at me. "Who the fuck are you!" When I got my notepad out, and started to franticly write. "What are you writing. Why are you not talking. Answer me Damn it!"

While backing away from him the paper was burning in my hands making it hard to write. He also kept walking to me. Making me more scared. Soon my back hit the wall, witch made me write even faster. He walked closer and grabed my neck. Just as I was about to pass out I showed him the notepad. Then everything went dark.

??? P.o.v

They show me the parper then passed out. I cooled myself the best I could, and sat them down on the floor. Then I sat next to them with the notepad in my hand, still trying to calm down. Once the fire calmed down a little more u started to read the notepad.

'Hi me name is Y/N. I have given myself the jod of giving all of the monsters/creatures here a name. I was thinking Sapnap. Hopefully you can tell me what you think if or when I wake up. Also I was not talking because I can't. Sorry if I made you mad. Hope I'm not dead. bye!'

'Sapnap huh....... I like it.' I thought to myself. I looked over at Y/N. They had some of ttheir clothes burned and burned marks on their S/C (skin color) skin. H/C hair, that look all frizzed, and burnt up. I sigh and said out-loud in a low voice "I'm sorry Y/N." Then i just sat their until they woke up.


Word count: 1102

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