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TW: homophobes, blood

After reading what I wrote I nodded. Then gave them the book for them to read.


Your p.o.v

After spending a lot of time with techno and dream I saw how they seem like they hate each other but they are really good friends. I found out that they are really good at fighting, and are probably the most powerful monsters here. I realized how much they changed since I have been with them. Like when they first saw me they were on edge but now they seem to have trust in me. I'm glad to say that I have some monster friends who aren't shadow.

Speaking of witch I haven't heard her for a while. She's fine. Anyway they were just talking about something like SMP or something like that. I haven't really been paying any attention to what they are saying at this point. A loud sound of a door opening filled me ears. I looked around the large room and saw one of the guards next to a door that looked just like the walls. Kind of like a hidden door. Like the ones you would see in movies.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Techno and Dream stiffen, but not as much as I did. These guys treat me like shit and I haven't done anything. Well yet, but still they don't know that. I started talking to myself quietly. This was something I always did for comfort. When ever I am scared or just need someone to talk to i talk to myself. Offen times it works, but now it's not, and I'm not gonna lie that kind of scarring me. It feels like I just lost the only person that loved me. 

My eyes going back and forth between the guard and Dream. Techno was by me trying his best to calm me down. Apparently he saw me on the verge of a panic attack. I mean yea it was kind of working but I had to much trauma in my life time, and now I was way to close for comfort to the edge. I knew that I had to calm down but it was hard to. If one more thing happened I would lose it, and that fact scared the shit out of me. We- well they were at a stand off. "Hey. I am just here to get the girl/boy(he using the gender you were born with) then leave." His voice was low and stady. 

Me being the only "human" in the hole/room I knew he was talking about me. Dream looked at me basicly asking me if I wanted to go with the gaurd, and to be honest I didn't want to go but I also didn't want them to get hurt by trying to protect me. I nodded me head to tell him I am going to go with the gaurd. I gave I small smile to techno and stood up with what looked like no problem but in reality I was an train wreck that already happened. I gave them one last smile to them telling them that I was going to be ok while knowing I wasn't. 

~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~

We went up to me room just so could change into some new clothes.

We went up to me room just so could change into some new clothes

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(A/N - Your outfit^.You can change if you want. Also your not wearing the jacket)

This outfit I really liked, well not the hills but still. I knocked on the door and we made our way to a place still unknown to me. We made it to this big door the leads outside. It looked like a huge court yard. There is a lot of monster and humans out here. 'Huh I didn't know that people and monsters could be in the same place as each other-' I cut my own thought off when I heard fighting. Well I take back what I said. The guard that walked me out here left so I'm gonna go see what's happening. I walked over to the fighting. Their was humans on one side and monsters on the other. I saw some fimiler faces like Tommy, Maga, Sapnap Techno, and Dream, but that was about it. I was just on the side lines watching this all play out. They were fighting about who was better and who should leave. To me this all sounded dumb. 'Why can't we all just live together?'

Then one of the humans saw me and told me to tell the monster to fuck of and what not. Now everyones eye were on Me. I just stood their and I can't speak so what was I supposed to do? I thanked the gods when I heard sapnap say "They are mute. They can't speak." Now this son of a bitch must of be a homophobe because his next sentence reall pissed me of "What do you men 'They' she/he is a girl/boy."  Now a hole new aura just sounded me. I went from not caring to mad real quick. I put my head down and walked up to the guy.....

Sapnap p.o.v (new pov yay!)

Y/N walked up to him whith their head down. I was really confused on what was going on here. That is until Y/N punched him square in the jaw. I mouth hanged open.

Out of the short amount of time I knew them I would never think they would punch someone. His head went to the left and his mouth was all bloody. He was coughing up blood. He was crouched down on the ground with blood coming out of hus mouth. Not the most prettiest if sights. Y/N had blood on her first and they was just standing their watching him. Everything was quiet until one of the other monsters started cheering and yelling then ran up to them saying things like 'that was so fucking cool' and 'how did you do that' soon more monsters we're Cheering for them. I soon joined this little cheering thing.

Your p.o.v

While the monsters was cheering for me I kept looking at the man that dared say those words. The world started to get dark and soon the only thigs left was me and him I crouched down and looked him in the eyes. I grab him and picked him with my left hand then puched him and I kept punching him until all of his bones were broken, and he was screaming for help and him begging for me to stop filled the black void that was around us. I dropped him to the ground then slowly everything came back. The monster cheers and yells, the sun, the color, it was all back to the way it was. 

I felt my eye twitch. I got outta their as fast as I could. I found a bench to sit at. I let out a low sigh as I took in the beautiful woods that was around this place. "Hey. What are you doing over here by yourself?" I heard a British voice say. I turned my head to see.....

Cliffhanger Ohh. Anyway hoped you all enjoyed, I will see ya soon! Love y'all bye~

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