oh no

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Yes, I know that ghost don't age but we still celebrate it for her. She's a few years older then me.

Your p.o.v

We finally got some where, and it wasn't loud? What's going on? Fuck! Remember when I said it wasn't loud? Well I take it back. Someone in this bitch is using this microphone, and it was loud. So fucking loud, but it started to get muffled by something or someone? Something soft was on my ears.

I reached my hands up to touch my ears (eyes still closed), and instead of feeling my ears it was something soft and fluffy. My guess is that its ear-muffs. Awww they care about me.

I looked up to the person that was carrying me, only to be met with a guard helmet. I looked around the room we were in. Looked just like a theater not gonna lie, but more formal. The chairs looked less comfortable, and their was someone on the stage. The room looked like it was filled with important people. Danm I'm the odd one out.

I saw that I was being carried to the stage........

Wait the stage! Why the fuck am I going the stage! I don't even like people, let alone being around people. Don't get me wrong when I was outside I was doing fine, but atleast I knew someone their. Now I have to around people I don't even know, or seen before.

Wait maybe I don't have to be around people. Maybe we are going to something small then leave. I was giving myself false hope. I knew it to. I let out a sigh.
We got up onto the stage, I was still in my little bundle of blankets.

It was cold in this place, and I hated that fact. I rather make a fool of myself and stay warm rather rather then dress all fancy and be cold. I was sat on the floor. Then I felt someone try to take my blanket away. I hit the hand away, but they tried again. This time a didn't a low growl. I sounded almost like a wolf growling at someone.

Aww shit the gaurds started to came. Also a loud scream was heard. I was pinned down. This person must have been really important cause the guards stared to come in and all i did was growl.

I am really glad that I still got my ear-muffs on because it seemed really loud. Screams were stopped. They were heard but was harder to hear then normal
With the guard pertty much sitting on my back, and holding my hands behind my back. I honestly couldn't care less. I have done this knid of thing hundreds before.
Thn it hit me. What if they know. I gotta get out of here, not now but soon.

I need a plan.

That is the end of that chapter. Have a good day. Bye~
Word count-492

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