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TW; Blood, losing sanity

I slowly lifted my head head to look him in the eyes.....*

Tommy pov

They were doing that thing again. Were they put their head down and shit. I had only seen them do it once but that was them being defensive. Now this is a life or death situation were this could go really bad or really good.

They looked angry. I mean really angry. Almost scary, but not to me. I'm a man who isn't scared of anything.

Your pov

While looking him in the eyes the stinging sensation in my eyes came back causing water to come from my eyes. He looked shocked. So i took this chance to kick his legs, with him now on the ground and me with the upper hand I kicked his chest. With him now on the ground I stepped on his ram horn that was on the right side if his head.

It broke in half. Some of it still in his head. At this point his was squirming under me trying and begging for me to get off him. I then picked the end of his horn, and stabbed him in the chest.

As all of thus was going on mid and night were getting everyone else out if the bilding. Well the best they could, but they still did it.

I opened my hand and 10 pieces of TNT were in my hand. Then an idea popped in my head.

Why don't I just blow it up!

A crazed smile appeared on my face as I got closer to the exit. While walking I put TNT down, and to my pleasure it was all connected to one button. I got to the exit and got far enough away from the place to the point were I won't get hurt.

Then I pushed the button

I laughed. I laughed and laughed. Tears rolled down my face but I still laughed. I was driven into madness. I feel to my knees still laughing. I hugged my stomach from laughing so hard. The smile never left my face as I stared at the the now creater now infornt of me.

The more I smiled the more tears that rolled down my face. A head ache grew. The worst one that I have ever had. My breathing paste picked up. I fell all the way to the ground now just crying.

And only having myself to hold me. It was times like this were I needed other people but they never showed. So why would someone show now. I slowly got up but it was getting harder to do that. My stomach, back and head were in pain, it was hard to see because of the tears and head ache, and I wanted blood......

The sweet cirshim color, the mentalic smell, the way it fell from the person body. I wanted it all.

I shook the thought away and kept trying to stand up. Once i was finally up on my two legs i notice that their was a lot more weight on my back, and head then their should be. I looked behind me to see big, black, wings, with small holes here and their.

 I looked behind me to see big, black, wings, with small holes here and their

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(A/N-is not mine you can change it if you want)

Why do I have wings? I thought to myself. I lifted my hand up to my head and felt tick pointed things on my head. Then I tried something. I tried to fly. The were flapping but I wasn't going up.

After some time I started to float but that was about it. I was only a few inches above the ground and i couldn't go any higher then i was was. So I let myself fall back to the ground landing on my feet and started to look for everyone else.

After like 1 hour of looking I found like half of the monsters looking around for something. I walked up to Tommy who had bandages covering the cut and other burns that he had. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around. He looked pretty sad, that is until he saw me. He had shock and happiness on his face and in his eyes. "Guys I found them!" He yelled kind of loud causing me to flinch a little. Before I could turn around I fell face first into the ground. Their was a lot more weight on my back then before and it hurt my wings.

Note to self: wings are sensitive. Got it.

While making this mental note I didn't realize how much pain my back and wigs were in. I started to punch the ground trying to to tell them to get of my back. "They're wings are sensitive. Get off their back." A deep monotone vice said.

I recognized this person to be Techno. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet. When I was back on my own two feet i looked at him and nodded my head once to say thank you. Then he nodded back. I turned to everyone else and opened my arms. This time everone get their own hug instead of them all trying to hug me at once.

I looked aroound and saw the group was smaller then before. 'What happens to everone else?' I singed "we split into two groups to look for you."

Ohhhh thats were everyone else is. Well let's go look for them. I started to walk off singling for them to follow.

It took 30 minutes to find them but we did it. Now we are all in one big circle trying to find out what we are gonna do. "How about we make our own place? Were we can all live in peace." Dream spoke "What are we gonna call it?" Sapnap spoke "The dream SMP." Then we all just looked at him. Giving him a 'really' look.

Soon that was the name of the land. Now we just needed a place to build it. We found this place that looked perfect to build, so a lot of us started to build our houses, while others like Techno, and Phil moved some were else. I was one of those people.

I wanted to go on adventures and stuff like that. Find more things. Move from place to place. That was the life I wanted, and that was the life I was gonna live. Before I left they told me that I was always welcome to come back.

~~~~~Time Skip 3 years~~~~~~

Today was my sister's birthday and to celebrate I was going to set my things down and head back to the SMP. I am not gonna lie I was really happy that I was gonna be able to see how much the SMP has grown. Today Shadow was turning 24 and I was turning 24 tomorrow. Over the years I have gotten the name name of 'The friend of the monsters' and 'Monster Royal' because of how many monster I saved from being killed or like how i freed the SMP monsters from that hell hole.

I was on my white horse frost. We had about 5 milles before we got back to the SMP. I can't wait to see them all again!


emember you are beautiful. Eat something or atleat try, love ya! Bye~

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