losing my mind

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Your pov

I was taken to a room for questioning. The cold room made things already bad as it is. On the way to this danmed room they took my blanket from me, now I feel as frozen as ice. They gave me a book to write in so they could understand me, but I wasn't really answering their questions I was more blocking them out and drawing random things that came to mind.

They got so mad at me for not answering their questen that they started to hit and beat me. Every once and an while I would get flashbacks of my past.

Then when they started to get tired and bored they stopped. That hole time I didn't make a sound.
Not a sound,
Not a pep

Now being mute means that you can't speak, but I could still make sound, you could hear me scream, hear me cry everything like that, but no words.
(A/N - sorry it any of this is worng but this is how I like the story.)

The guys whom's hand I kept hitting had I blue sweater, blahs-ish pants, black shoes, black hair, and a dark blue beanie. His right eye had a cut going along it and it was white. I took a mental note of that.

The other guy had on a black suit, black dress shoes, brown hair, and that's about it. They looked some what important, but I could care less. The guy wearing the suit came up to me. He looked disappointed. "Do you know why you here?" He questioned. I looked him in the eyes. I shook my head. He sighed and continued "You are in here, because you are an danger to humanity." My eye brow raised 'How was I a danger to humanity?' I thought.

"Lock them up." The other guy looked happy. But that face didn't last long when he saw my face and that I looked unfazed by this. I had been lock in cells and been tested on for far too long to care that I was going to be put in a cell. I knew I would get outta here soon. I mean they didn't know that but still.

They pushed me pasted all the other cells. I could see all my friends. Even techno and dream, they were being moved to a new place by the looks of it. Time slowed down until everything stopped moving. I walked over it them. They were all in their cells. I saw everyone Sapnap, Mega, Ranboo, dream, Techno, those two kids that gave me a panic attack. Yes I still count them as friends, I know that they didn't mean to so it fine.

I gave them a small smile as if to say 'hey I gonna be alright' cause I already knew they were getting pretty mad, seeing me in hand-cuffs, and the guard with something to the back of my head.

As they saw the smile on my face they calmed down, and we continued walking to my new room or cell I guess.

~~~~~~Time skip to your cell/room~~~~

Third pov

When (Y/N) and the guard got to the cell the guard harshly pushed them in their new 'room'. The room wasn't exactly a Room nor cell. It was an all white room with nothing in it. It was like one of those room you would put someone so they could slowly lose their sanity.

(Y/N) was the only one and thing in that room, well at least to the human eye. To the human eye it looked Y/N had all ready gone insane. They were talking to the wall, but in their eye they were talking to their sister figure whom they hadn't talked to in a while.

They looked so crazy talking to the wall, but they made it seem like it was normal thing. Like this was something everyone did.

~~~~~Time skip a few hours~~~~~~~~

(Y/N) was still talking to themself, but they also was on their last line of their sanity. They needed someone else to talk to. They had pushed themself back into the corner of the room and started to slowly rock back and forth. This kind-of helpped to keep some sanity. The line of sanity was so small that it looked about the size of a ant, and I don't mean one of those bigger ones, I mean the size of a baby ant.

Things started showing in their vision, and none of them were real they just came out of no were. They all had sharp pointed horns, teeth that looked like knifes, all of them were all black. They had no color in them. Just pure darkness.

Your pov

More kept coming closer to me. I looked up at them, and to my shock they looked kind-of friendly. They had nice smiles in their face. I smiled back and gave them a small wave. They came closer to me, and I stopped rocking.

After being with the shadow a little bit more I got to know them a little more. Their was two that I spent the most time with. I called them both midnight. I named them both the same thing because I couldn't think of anything else to name them.

Things were going good, but then we all heard the foot steps coming to the door. The shadows disapperd, all of them were gone but one of the midnights. Midnight grabed me by the arm and pulled me the corner and sat me down. Midnight sat down next to me and held my hand tightly.

A guard came in with a tray of food and water. This was the first time I saw a guard without their helmet...

Word count: 972
Have a good day! Love ya bye.

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