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I lead down with the wolf still in my arms. Then once again the darkness consumed.

Your pov
When I woke up the next day Sam, and Puffy were gone. 'They probably went home.' I thought getting off my bed. After doing my morning routine I changed into a different outfit.
(A/N- the one above)

I made breakfast. After eating it was around 9:00am so deciding that I'll go pick him up at one. Yes, I do believe that my son is alive, and if he is then I would be the happiest person alive. I didn't really have anything to do so I sat down on my couch, and sharpen my sword and axe until it was time for to go.

Tubbo's pov
Oh no this this is bad. We don't know where Joedan is and we don't know what time Y/N is coming to pick him up. Oh god. Oh god. We are dead. If they find out we are all doomed. How are we gonna find him? I took a deep breath to calm down a little. I felt a something garb my hand. I looked down to see Michael looking up at me. He looked so cute. I smiled sadly down to my son.

It was around 9am. Everyone was franticly looking around. All you could see were colorful Burks moving around. It looked carzy. The people speading around to look for their friends child.

Time skip

We looked for hours, and still haven't found him. Lots of us are starting to get ready for war. They can be scary when they want to. I saw them fight back at that hell whole. When I first met them. All they did was punch and that got him down. We spilt in two groups half of us gets ready for war, and the rest looks for Jordan. Michael staying with me the whole time.

Its 12:50, we gotta tell them now. We made out a plan incase thing go down south. Tchno and Ranboo would take Michael and keep him safe and the rest of of us fight. Hopefully things don't go that way. We all made it to my house. Techno was playing with Michael. Everything was going great until we heard a knock.

Everyone had gone silent, the air was thick, and we al were tence. I walked to the door to see a tried looking Y/N. Tear stains cheeks, bags under their eyes, and a runny nose. This was a sight to be hold. They were always ready for the day, always happy and smiling. This was sad. They didn't wave or anything, just showed me the book that read 'Were the fuck is my son' it seems like they were glaring daggers at me. "Ummmm Y/N......h-he got kidnapped-" and before I could finish my sentence they punched me in the face with tears flowing down their face.

Your pov
Rage was an understatement for how I felt at the moment. My first child I ever had......lost in a few days. People that I didn't even know was their came to his aid. Some blocking me from him and others seeing if he was ok. Then I saw them. Mid and Night right beside me, weapons in hand.

To every ones else eye their was just weapons floating next to me. Well not to everyone. The only other person that I knew could see them was Ranboo. Mid, Night, myself, and him knew that. I gave him a look. Not a glare but just a look. It did mean anything, it was ment to. It was just me using my eyes. Then I looked at Techno, he had Michael in his arms protecting him. I sighed. Then Mid spoke for me. "They will not hurt you, but if you cross them again me and night will not be able to stop them from raining hell fire upon you. They will not apologise but they will heal your friend, Tubbo. And for the last time remember this, cross them again and their will be great war coming your way, and we will not be able to stop them." Somewhere while she was talking them both made them self viable to their eye. I lift my hand up to Tubbo and heald him. I slowly turned around and went back to my house to pack my stuff.

With the help of Mid and Night everything was done faster.  While they broke the house down I put every thing in a wagon. "Hey where are you going." Phil... I turned around slowly. To see one of the father figures of this place. "We are moving." Night spoke for me. "Well do you know were you are going?" I shoke my head. "Well. Do you want to move close to me and Techno's house?" I looked at Mid and Night and they gave me a thumbs up. I looked back at Phil and nodded. He gave that same fatherly smile when we first met, but this time I smiled back.

I had wirters block in the middle of wirting this. Yeah....
Amways I hoped you enjoyed bye~

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