Chapter 10 - Green and Blue

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Alexis POV

Once again Jack and I were left alone, a loud silence falling over us. Looking over at his casual stance against the counter for the umpteenth time had me shifting uncomfortably on the balls of my feet.

How can he be so relaxed? After all of today's events how can he be quite content in just sipping a half empty cup of tea?

(Tut tut Alexis, so pessimistic! Half full, not half empty.) Aela scolded half-heartedly. Internally rolling my eyes at her comment I chose to ignore my newly acquired inner voice.

Turning to me Mr. Tyler gestured to the door with a small smile.

"Let's get some air, it will be easier when I explain everything," his calm voice suggested while his form lead the way out of the swinging doors.

The whole cabin was surrounded by thick greenery, tall trees ranging from shy mountain ash, graceful willow trees to boasting oaks. Fern trees stood proud and conifers gathered in small huddles, their branches entwining like a coven of sacred worshipers gathering for an autumn solstice.

Once again following Mr. Tyler into the woods behind his cabin we explored deeper into the unknown realm of emerald paradise. Small vines wrapped around loose roots that had become uplifted from years of growth, encircling up thick rugged trunks and around the wide expanse of deranged branches, the damp smell of wet undergrowth and pungent wild flowers filling the air around our forms. After many minutes of silence and trekking Mr. Tyler stopped in front of a curtain of vines. Sun rays slipped through small gaps in between the mish-mash of shrubbery giving the vines an ethereal turtle green glow. Turning to face me I couldn't help how my hormonal teenage mind took in how his chest muscles rippled with the simple movement, and not in the cheesy way you hear about in books, his muscles literally flexed and relaxed in such an array of movement that it looked like rippling sheets in the wind.

"See something you like?" a smirk creased his lips as he winked his beautifully deep brown eye at me.

Feeling the heat flood my face I turned my head in a different direction so he wouldn't see. The attempt was in vain as not a moment after his rough hands gripped my chin and pulled my face gently to face his.

"Are you ready for answers? I can't guarantee you will like them but I can promise you this," his husky voice paused as he looked deeply into my heated orbs, "you won't have to face it alone, and I will be as honest as I can be."

Swallowing the lump that formed in my throat I nodded, not quite trusting my voice to speak. Accepting my answer he let go of his firm hold on my chin and opened the vine curtain. Momentarily blinded by the light that seeped through as we stepped into yet another clearing I covered my eyes with my arm, blinking rapidly until my eyes adjusted to the strange lime green light that surrounded us. The sight before me stole my breath, leaving my mouth gaping open as I took in the view; two different breeds of tree had somehow entwined together, each wrapped around the other so intimately it seemed almost rude to look directly at the phenomenon, yet at the same time I couldn't look away.

A broad oak and elegant willow tree had somehow over the many millennia of being next to each other learned to become one, the base of the oak was distorted in a shape that looked like a boulder, the dainty base of the willow tree arcing across the top of it, their midriff of trunk entwining like a couple in a heated embrace while every branch of each breed was accompanied by the branch of the other. Surrounding the coupling was a small creek that curved around from the pair to the edge of the entire clearing, the only path to the perfectly trimmed grass inside the circle was to cross a small array of stepping stones.

Holding my hand Mr. Tyler led me across to the other side, leading me right up to the edge of the creek beside the entwined trees.

"What is this place?" I exclaimed, still slightly breath taken

I didn't get to hear my answer for at that moment the feeling of something warm and fuzzy lazily turning from deep within had me gripping my stomach in panic. Eyes wide with fear I looked again towards Mr. Tyler for help of some kind,

"What the...!" I gasped, doubling over as the most peculiar feeling took over my body. Goosebumps broke through covering every inch of skin, raising every fine hair in its wake. Muscles contracted and flexed over popping bones, fire deep inside the pit of my stomach roared, sweeping through every organ in both directions while a purple haze exploded behind burning eyelids. The feeling quite strangely wasn't painful; instead it felt refreshing, like my whole body was going through a mass cleansing. Breathing deeply I could suddenly smell more than the crystal clear water of the trickling creek, Mr. Tyler's masculine woody scent met my nostrils and I could hear Aela purr in content.

Every breath of air felt purer than the last and each nerve ending felt ultra-sensitive, as if only just awakening. In fact, my whole body felt reborn.

Unfolding from my bent over position I stretched out my back, arcing my body backwards and opening my eyes as I took in another refreshing breath. An animalistic urge rose up from some unknown compartment inside, both dominant and persistent demanding attention. As if some other being inside of me took control of my body, my limbs start to move without my consent or command towards the half nude and suddenly even more alluring Mr. Tyler.


Jacks POV

"What the...!" Alexis gasped.

Suddenly her petit form bent over, a bright neon blue light emanating from her stomach and the hair on her head began to raise, a cyan hue accenting every hair as it ran through each strand like water through a tube. Her pale skin took on an ethereal glow, almost like the way the moon shines into clear water.

Flabbergasted as to what was happening I did the only thing I and Hircine know how in a situation such as this; observe. Her form contorted in an array of short jerky movements, her little legs lengthening along with her arms, her spine curved forward even more so as she bent forward and small fine hairs along her body began to glow, as was the same with the hair on her head. Each strand was like a tiny blade, slicing through the material that encased her fragile form until only flecks of shreds remained.

After what seemed like minutes she slowly uncurled from her previous position, arching her back and unknowingly thrusting her pert chest into the air, flinging back her deadly mane of blades in the process. Feeling Hircine growling possessively inside my chest we moved stealthily closer to our mate, stopping only a few feet away as she returned to a normal standing position.

Opening her eyelids slowly her gaze locked with mine, her once emerald eyes now a startling mix between indigo and grape purple, a possessive lust swirling in her temptress eyes. The desire to claim my mate was almost too overwhelming, and if it weren't for the needle-like blades that were protruding from her flesh there would be no doubt at all that that's what we would be doing.

Before I could utter a word the Siren like creature started gliding toward me, her grace and poise would have been captivating if it weren't for the years of study on evolution, more specifically Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest; the ethereal glow of her skin would work much like the bulb of an Anglerfish, attracting unsuspecting pray towards her light, and once they were close enough she would trap them in the many blades on her skin.

Just as the temptress was about to get too close Hircine took control of my movements, flitting us towards the entwined trees. Sitting perched in one of the arced branches was another figure, one I recognised...


Ok so I know its been a while but things have been a bit on the crazy side,

I hope you like it, i had to chop this chapter in two because im not 100% about the second half.


Please comment vote fan and like! :D


Luna x

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