Chapter 6 - An Unexpected guest

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I'd been sitting on my favourite moss covered rock for about half an hour now, enjoying the peace and tranquillity the lake had to offer. It was quite hidden away in the forest, a small way past the school.

From where I was sitting I could see the proud fern trees framing the lake, beautiful violet and pink foxglove climbing in small patches around thick trunked conifers, and the fresh scent of pine trees surrounded me, making my whole body feel refreshed and alive.

The lake itself is one of the few left untainted by pollution, it's clear waters calm, and full to the brim with fish. I took off my shoes and socks, placing them next to my shoulder bag, changed into my denim shorts and stepped into the cool water.

Collecting my thoughts I remembered the time I discovered this place....

I first came here when my dad told me he was re-marrying; I was so angry and upset that I decided to run away. I packed up my favourite nightmare before Christmas rucksack, grabbed a pack of cookies, my hippie-van money pot and took off towards the forest. I ran and ran, even though my sides had cramps and my legs ached. But then I found this Eden and my favourite rock, and so the lake became my secret hide-out. My best friends know I escape to somewhere when I need space, but not even Skyler knew about this place.

Sighing deeply as I close my eyes and inhale the fresh air around me, finding my inner calm.

When I get super angry, my body reacts differently to other peoples. It starts with my whole body trembling, pain goes through my jaw, the bones pop and crack, then it moves to my shoulder blades, the muscles bunch and shift until my whole body feels on fire, usually by this point the pain is too much so I focus on calming myself.

I asked my Dad about it once; he froze when I told him, the blood from his face draining. He seemed hesitant to answer. I asked him again later and he said it was from adrenalin, putting stress on my muscles making them tense around the bones.

Another sigh escaped my lungs as my stomach gave a small grumble. I walked back to my rock to get the small stash of oreos from my bag, I'll give it another half-hour before I go home, I thought to myself.

Plunking down on the large boulder I tore into the pack of tasty chocolate biscuits and started to nom away. After a few moments, I heard the distinctive sound of a twig snapping behind me. Whipping my head around to where the noise came from i sucked in a deep breath, slowly getting off the rock. I planted my feet shoulder width apart and bent my knees slightly, fists raised in case of an attack.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

Nothing. Must have just been a small animal passing, I thought, trying to dismiss the dark thoughts clouding my mind. Turning round to pick up my bag I froze. On top of my beloved boulder, eating at my pack of oreos was a big, black panther...

- Hircine's POV

Her scent! It's everywhere I go. Every lungful of air is laced with the smell of my mate, a blend of apple and peach blossom. Jack let her go. He should have explained to her what we are, instead he pushed me away and let her leave.

Let her run! Now that I have her scent there is nowhere she can possibly hide.

But first, we must hunt.

- Jack's POV

Guilt washed through me yet again as I looked at the velvet neck of the doe Hircine killed.

(That 'we' killed Jack) he reminded me.

My head rested on my ebony silk paw in regret. I hated killing doe's, the look in their liquid eyes just before death takes them.

Only one person could take away this shame - Alexis. My goddess, my saviour. I must see her, even if it is in the form of an animal.

(Hircine, I must have complete control until her daemon awakes)

Hircine huffed in response and I grinned in triumph. Nose to the wind I breathed in all the smells of the afternoon, she was not far from here, slightly south of the school.

I leapt from the ground to the first branch of a nearby tree. I prefer scouting through tree tops when searching for something, or in this case, someone.

Just as I was approaching a clearing I bunched my shoulders together, stretching out my front paws and landed silently on the forest floor.

Before my eyes was a vision of pure beauty; a small elegant female was standing ankle deep in the lake, her long jet black hair gently flowing half-way down her back. A sigh escaped her lips and I was speechless. I lay for a while on warm fern twigs and fallen leaves content just watching my mate be, and moments later she turned around to the bag she had placed beside a boulder. Alexis kept her back to me and I could smell my favourite chocolaty treats; OREOS! My stomach growled even though I just ate, oreos always had that effect on me.

I started to get up and stretch my hind legs when a twig beneath my front paw snapped. Alexis's head whipped around to face my direction so I quickly circled around her position. She was so focused on that one spot, then the breeze brought the smell of oreos to my nostrils. I crept over to the boulder and began helping myself to the abandoned goodies, yum!

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