Chapter 9 - Tea for Two

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Hey! Sorry it's been a while but here goes (and sorry if this offends any Justin Bieber fans)

(And picture of Steve - mr.tylers brother, on the side) ----->


Alexis's POV

Leaning against the black marble counter I brought the trembling mug of tea to my lips; inhaling the familiar smell was comforting, helping my muscles to relax a little.

Looking up under my lashes I saw Mr. Tyler (or should I say Jack) in the opposite corner of the kitchen, his exposed back facing me as he stirred his cup of tea. He was humming a tune I recognised but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but hearing him hum the quirky tune after the recent events made me smile.

Turning his head in my direction he flashed me a small reassuring smile.

"What?" he questioned raising his eyebrow.

"I recognise that sounds like System of a Down but hmmm..." I drifted off thinking, sipping my tea.

"It is. Cigaro actually" he confirmed chuckling quietly shaking his head a little.

"Hey I thought you didn't like metal music? Didn't you say you prefer Justin Beiber?" I teased watching him cringe at the thought.

He shrugged, before singing

"I may have said it 'one time' but 'baby, baby, baby oooo' it was a joke"

Not believing my eyes I burst into laughter as he started dancing around like a true Beiber fan,

"I never thought I'd.... see a grown man..... Dance like ....Beiber" I giggled

Suddenly he grabbed the tea spoon and knelt on one knee before shouting at the spoon like a mic

"Never! Say! NEVER!"

At this point the tears of laughter were streaming down my face and my tea was slopping over the sides of the mug. Trudging over to me on his knee's he put on the most camp voice he could muster,

"Selena, will you marry me? I know you’ll probably get death threats from my fans but aren't I worth it babe?" he whined, pretending to flick his hair Beiber style.

Giggling like a woman on crack I accidentally spilled the boiling cup of tea on his pants. Yelping he jumped up, hitting my arm and spilling the rest of the tea on my leg.

"Oh I'm so sorry! Are you alright? Here let me clean that up" I apologized turning around searching for a towel.

Glaring at me in mock anger he boomed

"You fool! You've doomed us all!"

We both doubled over in laughter and inside it felt good to just have fun, all my problems and worries just seemed to slip away.

"Did you want me to get you something else to wear?" he asked looking me up and down with a lopsided grin.

"Not that you don't look adorable in my shirt, but you've probably got tea on it and I’m sure your parents will be curious as to why you’re wearing it"

Smiling without humour I thought about my Dad - he and Victoria were in Europe for a month to visit all the countries, leaving his daughter alone for four weeks. Not that I minded being alone, but his lack of love for his own daughter left me with a heavy heart.

"I wouldn't worry about my parents, they won't be there to see me" I muttered casting my eyes back down to the tea.

Tingles coursed through my jaw as Jack lifted my chin, our eyes locking.

"Want me to take you home?" he offered gently.

Opening my mouth to answer the door flew open, and a familiar sight met my eyes.

"Now now Kai you have no business challenging me, remember, your still a pup" Steve said popping the 'p'.

The door swung open a second time to reveal a shaking Kai who's fists were balled tightly at his sides.

"There is no challenge, she's mine and you have no right touching her!" Kai half growled.

Steve's whole form went deadly still and he shut his eyes. Moving in almost slow motion he turned to face Kai who was still shaking with silent rage.

"She. Is not. And never will be. Yours" his voice quietly growled.

Clearing his throat Jack distracted the two boys from their death stares and directed their attention towards us.

"Take it out back boys, Lex has had enough excitement for one day. And Steve," Jack paused, waiting for his brother to acknowledge him.

"I know I know" Steve huffed, storming off.

As soon as Steve left the room Kai visibly relaxed, and he smiled gratefully towards Jack, before realising I was standing next to him.

"AJ...?" he questioned, a dumb look adorning his cute face.

"Umm...hi Kai" I smiled sheepishly, stepping a bit further away from Mr. Tyler.

Kai looked at the tea stained kitchen floor, then between the two of us grinning,

“Tea for two?” he asked in a fake British accent, before turning around and going out the door again.


I know it's short but things have been...complicated..

Hope you enjoyed and please



And fan please!!!


Luna x

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