Chapter 11 - The Tree of Wisdom

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Unknowns POV

“Today is a good day to eat apples.

They are actually quite symbolic, take Christianity for example; the apple represented temptation, the temptation being the gift of knowing and knowledge. But that of course wasn’t just any old apple, and it wasn’t so much the apple that was special, but in fact the tree in which it grew on. It’s these simple yet forgotten facts that separate the truth from myths, and like Chinese whispers, the story changes from generation to generation until the facts are so far from the truth that a whole new story is born.

 You see when the Christians speak about the apple of Eden they tend to miss out a big chunk of the story; there wasn’t only one apple but in fact a whole tree’s worth of apples, and it wasn’t God that forbade Adam and Eve to eat the fruit but the actual Tree itself.

Now I’m not saying the tree could talk, it is and always will be an inanimate object, but before the human race was kicked out of Eden we had more empathetic abilities towards living things, we could feel what emotions they were projecting, and a larger amount of our brain was used for telepathic imagery which is how the tree was able to get its message across, however when we were kicked out of paradise God locked away those extra abilities inside our minds, tormenting us as part of the punishment.

Every child has been told the story of how God created the world in six days and on the seventh day he rested. We were told how he created a man in his own image using the same mud that coated the Earth; he named this man Adam. Days past and though Adam could run with the animals, swim with the fish and climb with the monkeys, he felt alone. Soon after finding out about Adam’s loneliness God decided to make a female companion for Adam. One night while Adam was sleeping, God took a rib and used it in his newest creation; he named her Eve.

Then all children are told about the tree of wisdom; Adam and Eve came upon the tree and their creator told them it was sacred. What the children weren’t told was that the tree soon began projecting images to Eve. It showed her that she was forbidden to touch the fruit that hung from its limbs; this knowledge was not created for mankind for they had not yet matured to the stages of understanding. If the pair would take the fruit, serious and unchangeable consequences would follow.

As much as many humans want to change what had happened that day, they can’t, for Lucifer had visited the Garden of Eden, and left behind a snake, one with a tongue for persuasion, insisting that Eve take the apple and share it with her companion.  So we know that Adam and Eve ate the apple, and as an apple is a fruit it bares seeds; so what happened to the seeds? Well luckily enough for God most of those seeds were completely digested, but two from Eve weren’t and were buried in excretion somewhere in the barren wasteland that they were banished to.

 After Eons had passed, those two seeds developed into two completely different species of tree, one became Quercus robur (Oak) and the other Salix Alba (White Willow). More years passed and the Oak stood broad and proud, whilst the Willow grew tall and slender, its limbs elegant and supple. Soon the Willow became ill and her branches no longer held their sway. She called out to the Oak, throwing out images of despair and her need for help. She wept for hope and longed for her old home in Eden. Feeling her despair the Oak grew sad too, not knowing what to do or how to comfort his only companion. He called to the Gods, begging for his Weeping willow to be spared, but no reply came. Anger began to boil inside the Oak; so much so that his branches groaned in frustration, pulling out his roots just to be slightly closer to the Willow. He stretched his branches as far as they could go; imaging the Willow to reach out for him, but the Willow was too frail. The Oak called to the winds, asking them to lift his companions branches to reach his; so the wind gently came, softly rustling through her branches, their ghost like touch gripping her twigs and raising them toward the outstretched branches of the desperate Oak. As their branches touched something remarkable happened; The Oak uprooted himself as a desperate attempt to save her, using all the power deep within his roots as he tried to get closer to his beloved Willow. Seeing his unrelenting will, Salix Alba used the last of her strength to entwine her trunk around the Oak, her tired bark groaning in protest at the unnatural angles she put her trunk through.

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