Chapter 17: The Lake

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"Don't worry, I know you don't have any intentions like that. It is my mother who has a malicious heart. She's always been like that so I apologise since she's difficult to deal with."

For the past few days, it was those words from the Duke that played over and over again in Dalena's head.

Upon remembering that day, Dalena could not really shake off the conflicted feelings she had. Why was the Dowager Duchess so hostile with her? Why don't she have a good relationship with her son?

More than anything, she was worried that her employers really thought that maliciously of her but thankfully, the Duke have given her plenty of comforting words. Somehow, although it is hard to not be affected, the thing with the Dowager Duchess is at the back of her mind now.

For today, Dalena was accompanying Little George to a school event he had. It was a horse-riding competition including everyone in their exclusive school.

"Go George!" Dalena exclaimed, waving at the little boy.

George was currently running second, just very close with the frontrunner of the race who is a few years older than him.

Once George and the other horse riders passed the lap on the track, the atmosphere became quiet again as they have to go through a long track again.

During this moment, Dalena took the time to admire the beautiful scenery in front of her.

Aside from the magnificent view that the trees and the sky provided, what made the venue more enchanting was the lake just beside it.

It was the first time that Dalena has seen a lake this blue and clear. If Dalena was seeing things right, it seems like the lake was even sparkling.

Her thoughts were quickly stopped when loud cheers came again. Just a few miles before reaching the lap, George was fully catching up to the frontrunner.

"Go George! I'm so proud of you! Go!" Dalena screamed with all her heart, even if she knew Little George wouldn't hear her.

Right now, her heart was actually pounding really fast as well. She was proud already that a mere six year old like Little George can enter top three, but now, he's actually aiming to get the first place.


In a blink, George surpassed the frontrunner and actually won.

After Little George passed the track, it felt like something heavy was taken off Dalena. She was relieved and couldn't help the large smile spreading across her face.

Little George was being prompted to go to the awarding area but he looked back to search for Dalena and met her joyful face.

Upon locking eyes with Little George, Dalena smiled even wider and gave him a thumbs up. In return, Little George also smiled at her and shyly gave back a thumbs up.

However, their interaction was cut short as Little George needed to follow the staff for the awarding.

Dalena, on the other hand, couldn't get through the crowd as there was also several people. It seems like their school invited not only the guardians of the students, but also several outsiders who wanted to watch.


While trying to bypass the crowd, Dalena was accidentally hit by the crowd.

"Sorry, Miss." the person said.

Dalena politely smiled at the person and replied, "It's oka-"

Before Dalena could even finish saying that though, the person already walked off and she was somehow pushed again.

As if she was pushed deliberately, Dalena fell into the lake!

Although it looked very beautiful as she admired it on the surface, Dalena did not expect that the water in the lake would be so cold. More so, it was actually deeper than she expected.

Growing up, she never really had any special skills. Therefore, she did not know how to swim at all.

While struggling to breathe for air and try to not sink, Dalena tried to scream for help but mysteriously, the crowd before has already disappeared. There was no one there to help her.

"P-ple-ase...." Dalena murmured while struggling.

There was no other choice is there? How could something like this happen on such a normal day?

Going through such an experience, Dalena definitely thought of the possibility that this may be her last moment. Although she felt like it was a waste to die so young, she just smirked at the bitterness she should feel.

At the end, there was really no hope for her to just live peacefully in reality, eh? At least, if she were really to be gone like this, maybe she could be peaceful somewhere else. In that place, she would have no debts and responsibilities. She would no longer have to work day by day just to survive.

Even more so, she would be reunited with her mother.

While Dalena was trying to hold on to her last thread of consciousness, an impact came threw her head, making her lost all consciousness.


Author's note: Thank you for reading this story, everyone! I actually have a solid plotline/flow of how things are going to be in this story. Just bear with me as I write the rest :) I really appreciate it that you guys gave this story a chance <3 

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