Chapter 35: Observant Boy

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During that time, Dalena's face was so red and she was so ashamed that she couldn't even face Little George.

"I-I will go and quickly help clean up the horse riding equipment." she quickly said to Luke and Little George, leaving them no time to respond as she ran away.

With Dalena's reaction, Luke could only smirk. He didn't think much of Little George finding out what was going on and at the same time, he still felt high because of the kisses he shared with her.

Right now, Luke could not tell what his little son was thinking because the little boy has got such a serious expression on his face.

As Little George observes Dalena's figure moving farther away, he didn't even realise that his father already walked up to him. His father was now kneeling on the ground a bit, probably to his stare.

"You alright, buddy?" Luke asked his son in a relaxed tone.

However, Little George only had his lips in a grim line.

"Papa. You and Dalena, what was that?" Little George asked.

Luke licked his lips a little before replying to Little George.

"It's just like what you saw, Georgie. I like her." Luke murmured, his words sounding softer towards the end.

With his father's response, Little George pouted a little.

"Is that really right? Dalena is too precious to me. I don't want you to hurt her, Papa." Little George said in a sulky tone.

Seeing how frustrated his son was, Luke let out a hearty laugh. Why does it seem like it was Dalena who had him as a child instead of him? Was he not even concerned for his father at all?

Just to think how he raised Little George all by himself without any house-help for the first two years of his life before he stepped up as the new duke and went to England...

"Of course, I won't hurt her. I won't let that happen." Luke said sincerely.

Instead of being assured though, Little George became more skeptical.

"Please don't joke around, Papa. I really wish you wouldn't hurt her. She's a good person and you have too many girls by your side already." the little boy accused his father.

Luke twitched his mouth a little and raised his eyebrows at the little boy. Was his reputation really that bad, with his son also thinking of him like that?

"I really won't. I promise. You know I've never let you down with my promises, right, bud?" Luke said in an entertained tone.

"Okay, promise it, Papa!" Little George said in a slightly louder voice.

Then, Little George offered his pinky to his father, signaling him to put his over. Seeing his son's gesture, Luke could only smirk once again.

"Promise." Luke murmured.

"Okay, Papa! You promised and we even did a pinky promise. Dalena told me that when you do that, it means that it can't be broken." Little George told his father in a serious tone.

Luke laughed at Little George's protectiveness of Dalena, agreeing and nodding at him.

"Mmm.. Got it, buddy." he softly said to his son while patting his head.

While staring at his father, Little George's lips were still kept in a grim line.

Actually, he should be happy because if his Papa and Dalena really had something going on, there was a chance that Dalena could be his mother already, right? He would finally have someone he could call 'Mama'.

However, even at his young age, Little George was a very observant kid.

Even when he was younger, he was being discriminated because apparently, he was not full British and his biological mother was a foreigner.

If he, a half-blood, was discriminated, then what more of Dalena? She's a foreigner. She would only suffer more than him if she were to attend those aristocratic gatherings and be with his father.

Little George did not know how he could help with his young age and he felt hopeless because all he could really do is worry.

'Hopefully, Papa would really keep his promise. I like Dalena too much. I don't want the bad people to be mean to her.' Little George thought concernedly.

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