Chapter 30: His Troubled Mind

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Today was very unusual.

Before, no matter how late Luke fell asleep, he would always wake up at the same time in the morning and it would always be relatively early. He has been training his body to be that way for years but now, it suddenly messed up.

Luke felt sluggish as he got up to take a cold shower straight away.

While feeling the drops of cold water running through his skin, he remembered last night's events and shivered a little.

He recalled touching her slender waist and touching her soft lips over and over again...

Afterwards, it was fortunate that he still had reason left within him. After making sure Dalena took hangover medicine so she would feel better, he left her room and went to have a cold shower himself.

Even after taking that shower though, Luke remembered having a lot of thoughts in his mind. He couldn't sleep at all and only slept due to exhaustion when it was already near sunrise.

'Was it too soon for that? Why couldn't I control myself better?' he hissed, reprimanding his self.

But with what he's done, he knows he can never go back on the same terms with Dalena. At the same time though, Luke knew that he cannot pursue her seriously. His feelings were still at a blurred line but he swears to figure it properly.

'At the very least, my intentions are genuine, that's for sure. I do like her but there's a lot of things to consider. It's not like I can give in to my selfish desires now.' he thought secretly.

After a couple of stretches, Luke was finally ready to get on with his day. The first thing he checked was his phone and after noticing that it was already near noon, he could only let out a hopeless smile at his secret troubles.

Hamish Thompson:

Your Grace, as you've said, I will update you about anything related to Miss Dalena Angeles.

This morning, she requested for a leave two days earlier than what was agreed on but I have approved it. She cited her reasons as personal matters.

That is all.

Kind regards,

H. Thompson

After reading the message that Hamish sent, Luke didn't even realise it, but a smile was plastered on his face.

'To request an early leave like this... It means that she remembers last night? Maybe I also have an impact on her, huh?' Luke mused.

He bit his lips at the thought, feeling foolish as it seems like he's a young teenager boy who has a crush for a first time.


"Did you enjoy last night?" Luke murmured in a gentle voice.

The little boy, already dressed up for the day, nodded enthusiastically at Luke.

"Yes, Papa! Thank you so much! I had lots of fun, especially with Dalena." Little George replied with a cheery tone.

"Mmm." Luke murmured gently, agreeing with Little George.

But the next moment, Little George pouted.

"But I didn't know Dalena was going to leave today. I should've woken up earlier. She only left me this letter, Papa. I hope the days go faster and she comes back!" Little George said.

Luke patted Little George's head as he realises how attached his son is to Dalena. With that in mind, Luke knew he had to be more careful as he deals with her.

In the first place, he was never someone who would mess around with his employees anyway. But why was life playing with him, making Dalena enter his life without any warnings at all?

"Can I see the letter she left for you?" Luke murmured gently to his child.

Little George was excited as he reached out for a card on top of his bedside table and gave it to Luke.

"Thanks, buddy." Luke said, patting the little boy's head once again.

With the card on his hands, Luke read the letter that Dalena wrote for Little George. He noticed that her writing was neat and dainty, just like her.

Dear George,

I apologise as I need to go earlier than what I have planned. But know that I'll be giving you lots of stories, hugs and presents once I return. Be a good boy, alright? I hope you have a happy holidays. Thank you for being in my life, best boy.

All the love,

'Even the way she writes is so sweet and so like her?' Luke thought, amused at Dalena's writing.

Noticing his father's enticement, Little George took the card from his father and carefully put it back on his bedside table.

"Too bad you don't have one, Papa. Dalena only likes me that's why I'm the only one who has one." Little George cheekily said.

A bit surprised by his son's cheeky remark, Luke let out a soft laughter.

"Sure, bud."

Memory of the Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن