Chapter 63: His Pain

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If Little George was not there, Luke would have probably given up on living anymore.

What's there to live for anyway? How can he lead a life without the one he loves? What's the point of life without her?

In fact, just seeing a photo of Yarra made Luke absolutely go crazy. He would scream, cry and shake uncontrollably just at the sight of her.

It didn't help that even in his dreams, the image of Yarra haunted him too.

"You need to remove the triggers, Luke. It doesn't mean that you will forget about her. I'm sure you won't, but it is for your own sake so you would be able to function as normal. You told me that your protective factor is your son, isn't?" one of the psychiatrists stated.

Therefore, even though it was against Luke's will, there was no photos of Yarra when he came back home to Britain after 2 years of finishing his Master's degree in Australia.

Actually, he did not even want to come back. However, it had irritated him that his family would send bodyguards everyday just to bother him and his little son back in Australia, pestering him to come and visit Britain.

"I do not want to inherit anything, Father. I also do not regret how I have spent the past years. I would like to continue remaining in Australia." Luke said coldly, looking at his father apathetically.

Luke's father, Duke Grosvenor, sighed. His face looked very pale as he coughed a few times before replying to his stubborn son.

"Luke, are you hearing yourself correctly!? You want the title and businesses our family have worked for several generations to just go to our distant relatives, who are already gawking at them due to your disappearance? Please have some sense."

Even at his father's arguments, Luke continued to put his lips on a grim line.

"If you inherit the title of the duke, did you know that you can have one wish that can be granted by the royal family? It is a one-time deal between the monarch and our family and it hasn't been used. Think about that opportunity that you can have..."

Luke's jaw clenched, still looking apathetically at his father.

"I am still not interested, Father. Nothing you say will make me want to take on the title. I no longer want to be connected to our family. Besides, I have a son. Technically, he would be considered 'illegitimate' in the terms that our circle uses. Why would you want your successor to have a big scandal around his name?"

Duke Grosvenor glared at Luke, annoyed at his strong-willed son. He admits that he hasn't given him much attention throughout the years due to keeping up with all his business agendas. Before he knew it, his son already grew up to be a man of his own, not following his and his wife's shadow.

He didn't know if it should be a good thing or not. Duke Grosvenor was not really a fan of how his wife does things but because he loves her, he indulges her in whatever she wants to do. Even if she is quite overboard at times...

Finally, Duke Grosvenor let out a final sigh.

"Fine. Then this is my last reason to convince you. Think about your kid, George Arthur, is it? You named him after one of our greatest ancestors, the one who got our family line promoted into a duke."

"What about my son? Are you going to use him to threaten me? Are you going to be that low?" Luke gritted his teeth, glaring at his father.

Duke Grosvenor admits that he doesn't feel much affection for the little boy, even if it is supposedly his first grandchild. It just doesn't feel right for him since after all, the reports he heard about the little boy's mother weren't too good.

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