Chapter 23- "Nandini promise..."

Start from the beginning

Cabir tries to counter my words but I halt him grabbing his collar.

"SHUT UP....just shut up. You money-minded Murthys can be after the money, not my sister. Don't dare to call her a gold digger. When you destroyed her life by ditching her then your great Ajja came into the picture. He was not fully satisfied with his grandson's great work. He then planned to kill my sister. To treat the trouble at the source to avoid a bigger mess. But fortunately, or unfortunately, she survived. Yes, she survived but her baby couldn't. Your great grandfather is the killer of her child, Mr Cabir Murthy. Or you were involved in this plan too. Of course, you can be. After all, she was no use for you then. Her illicit pregnancy could have been a scar for the reputation of Murthy dynasty."

I shoot my venom.

"What proof you have that Ajja killed her child?"

Nandini sounds sceptic and adamant.

"And here comes the typical Murthy blood. My dear Nandini Murthy the fear in her eyes, the pain in her heart to see your Ajja's photograph is enough proof of the truth. She got a panic attack to see his photo. She even told me that your grandfather killed her baby. What proof do I need more?"

I ruefully reply.

"But she is not mentally stable. She might be wrong to recognize."

Nandini still tries to protect her grandfather which is quite expected. These Murthys won't accept their sins so easily. I saunter at her and exhale a deep sigh.

"Yes, she is not mentally stable. Thanks to your brother and your grandfather. But you know even an amnesia patient can recognize his or her enemy. The fear in her eyes is not fake like your concern about her."

I say with disgust. She stares down. Perhaps she remembers how my sister is suffering.

"I want to meet her."

Suddenly Cabir says. I turn at him.

"Why? Just to see how have you destroyed her?

I scoff.

"To know why is she blaming me when she herself left me without any proper reason. To know if she was pregnant with my child then why didn't she tell me about that? To know if she still can recognize me."

Cabir mouths determinedly. My eyes spit fire. This man has the guts to defend himself till now when he has come to know everything!

"She never left you. You are lying. That was you who betrayed her."

I almost yell.

"I have proof. The last letter she wrote to me before leaving."

Cabir shoots with conviction which halts me for a second.

"I can show you. I think after that you won't have any objection to bringing me to her?"

I remain silent for a moment. Should I trust him? For the last time?

"Truth should be considered from both sides, Mr Malhotra. You told your side of the story. Now, it's my brother's chance to tell his story."

Nandini says while sniggers. Our eyes remain locked for a moment. Both have determination for their individual truth.

"Okay, I am ready. Everybody should have a fair chance."

I scoff. We all leave for Murthy Mansion. I have a mixed emotion. My heart believes my sister while my mind wants to dive down inside this suspense.


Bhai almost storms inside our bungalow. I know how shocked and baffled he is right now. After a long time, his past again came in front of him. A painful past which he is still carrying on his shoulder as a burden. But today whatever Manik alleged was really shocking. Seems today I have lost faith on love and my love lost faith on me. I get down from the car without saying a word to Manik. I have no words to say right now. He follows me and we reach our living room. Within a minute, Bhai rushes out from his room. He has a folded paper in his hand. Navya's last letter. I have seen this a couple of time. The first time I saw it when Bhai tried to cut his vein and this letter was in his fist. That day Ajja and I had the toughest time of our life. We somehow brought him back in our life again and Ajja took a promise from Bhai that in future he will never do anything like this. Ajja said it is useless to sacrifice a life over a deceptive relationship. Bhai forwards the letter to Manik.

"Read it and tell me who is responsible for all this mess?"

Manik takes the paper and unfolds it. I think his hands are shaking a bit. Is it my hallucination? He takes ample time to read the letter. It is not a very lengthy one, however, he reads it again and again. His jaws are clenched and eyes are sceptic.

"I think you are able to recognize your sister's handwriting. Now, can you tell me how did I destroy her life when she only never loved me? For her, it was merely a casual relationship. So, she easily left me behind. Can you tell me now, who was the real betrayer in this relationship? And if she could tell a lie about this then what is the guarantee that she is speaking the truth about Ajja too? I can't believe her words."

Bhai mouths confidently. I know he is hurt about knowing Navya and her baby. However, this complexity is not allowing us to think straight.

"I have to get you in front of her. I don't know how it will affect her health but I don't have any other option. To know the exact truth, I have to take this risk."

Manik utters the last line as a monologue.

"And if the truth buttresses my innocence then you have to deal with me for ruining my sister's life and I swear; it will be worse than what you can think."

Bhai hisses with clenched jaws. It passes to Manik's eyes. He reciprocates with equal grave,

"We will see, Mr Murthy. Sin can never be suppressed and your sin and Karma, not me has ruined your sister's life."

Manik's word once again ignites the fire in me. I come between their hatred-drenched eyes and look into Manik's eyes.

"Mr Manik life is not so brittle that anyone can ruin it. I swear you; from now you will curse the day when you made me a part of your life...or to be precise a part of your plan. I don't know what is the truth but I swear I will dig out the truth and whatever it is; you will always remain in guilt. If Karma is a bitch then it will serve you in the same way, Mr Malhotra. This is my promise to you. Nandini Murthy's promise."

I exit from there before I break down. It was a game not love. Tears prick my eyes. 

Author's note: So the drama began and how. Stay tuned for more.  😊😊😊

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