Chapter 14 - "Meeting the would-be..."

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"Nandi, I am feeling like a father –in –law who is going to interview his would-be son-in-law. I hope you haven't given him any such impression of mine. Come on I am only 26 and you already made me some typical old faultfinder guardian."

Bhai says while I am observing him reclining on the bed. For the last time, Bhai looks at the reflection on the mirror and turns back to face my smiling face. Now, my eyes are dancing with humour. He furrows his brows.

"Now, why are you laughing? I did exactly what you said. I have worn this Kurta and Pajama like an ideal guardian. I even have come early from the office to meet your that.."

He waves his hand in the air to remember the name.

"Manik. You are going to meet Manik. Not to any foreign delegate from whom you have to get a business deal. So relax. It's a normal informal invitation of dinner so behave like a casual host. He won't judge you. Neither will he consider you as his father-in-law. Come on Bhai. It's just a casual meet."

I shrug. Bhai stares at me for a moment and saunters to the bed.

"Hmmm...I know it's a casual meet but the thing is he is not a casual person in your life. So it's reasonable for me to be nervous. What if my words hurt him and he thinks otherwise about you. I know you love him. And this is your first love. I can't be the reason for any misunderstanding."

He perches on the edge of the bed and says bending his head. I sigh and come close to my brother. I sit beside him barely leaving any place between us and side shackle him.

"Bhai, it's true that I love him but not more than you. He is important in my life but not more than you. You are my everything. My father, my mother, my friend and guide. And I know how much I mean to you? How could you think that you ever gonna be any trouble between I and Manik? You are the best brother in this world and more than that you are the sweetest person who can never hurt anybody with his words or behaviour."

I mouth affectionately and place my cheek on his bicep. Bhai turns his face and observes my content face. He smiles and osculates my head.

"By the way, Bhai, though you are a 26 years young guy; sometimes you behave like a real oldie. So if Manik finds you as a hard nut to crack as a cynical father-in-law I won't be surprised."

I can't control me to pull his leg and he hears my suppressed giggle.


Cabir tries to catch my ear but I immediately move my head. However, this quick movement makes me feel a sharp pang on my rib cage.

"Ouch...Bhai,...don't forget I am injured and attacking an injured opponent is against of battle rule."

I take advantage of my illness and pout while Bhai starts laughing. I know I am the source of his all happiness and he can do anything for my happiness. He encircles me in a tender hug.


I was searching for my shirt when Navya enters the room. A redshirt is slinging from her hand. I look at her and glance at the shirt. A bright smile appears on my lips. Navya doesn't talk much neither she gets involved in my matter very closely. However, she knows what her brother needs and when does he need. It is like she has done master in comprehending the unsaid words.

"How do you know that I wanted this shirt? Do you know where am I going?"

I ask while taking the shirt from her hand. For a few moments, Navya keeps on observing her brother and slowly bobs. I button my shirt and frown in surprise. I never said anything about Nandini to Navya. Neither does she know what kind of relationship we share. Then how does she know?

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